Tableau 3.1 Growth indicators (dry weight |pg ml1], abundance [cclls ml-1! and specific biovolume |mm3 ml'1)) in an agricultural stream phytoplankton community after a 96 hours exposure to various conccntrations of glyphosatc-based herbicidc.
Glyphosate concentrations (pg I'1)
Control |
1 |
5 |
10 |
50 |
100 |
500 |
1000 | |
Dry weight |
69.33a |
76.7a |
74. 7a |
84a |
62.7a |
73.3a |
41B |
34.6U |
±14.7 |
±13.3 |
±16 |
±5.7 |
±4.2 |
±7 |
±4.2 |
±4.6 | |
Abundance |
2.3e+4A |
2.4e+4A |
2e+4AB |
2.4e+4A. |
1.6e+4" |
1.7e+4A |
1.1 c+4c |
9.6e+3c |
±l.5e+3 |
±1.1 e+3 |
±1.2e+3 |
±2.1e+3 |
±1.6e+3 |
±4.2e+3 |
±3.2e+3 |
±l.8e+3 | |
Specific |
3.3e-4A |
4e-4A |
4.4e-4A |
3.9e-4A |
4.3e-4A |
3.3e-4A |
8.1 e-5 B |
3.3e-5 B |
Biovolume |
±8. le-4 |
±l.2e-3 |
± 1.1 e-3 |
±I.3e-3 |
±1.5e-3 |
±le-3 |
±l.6e-4 |
±4.9e-5 |
Trcatments means from ANOVA (n=3). Different Ietters in the same linę represents significant differcnces (p < 0.05) by the paired T-tcst.
3.6.3 Pigment content
Chlorophyll a content (% of pigment compared to control) significantly decreascd for phytoplankton cells cxposed to glyphosate concentrations of 1, 5, 100, 500 and 1000 pg I*1 (table 3.2). There was no significant diffcrence between the intermediary (10 and 50 pg I*1) and the control treatments. The chlorophyll b content showed no significant differences when compared to control. Concerning the carotenoid content, there was a significant decrcase of carotenoids for all glyphosate concentrations.