Rational Modeler VS Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

IBM Rational Software Modeler has been a pioneer in UML modeling platform. As early as 2000. Microsoft introduced UML modeling support through V1SI0 2000 but is bringing in support first time in VS2010. The folbwing table provides a summarized view on architecture modeling features for Rational Software Architect and Microsoft VS2010.





Exists through IBM Rational Modeling Extensions For Microsoft .NET.

Support for NET. Java. C++, XML Schema. Databases. EJB. and Web Senrices.

Support for VS20C6 and VS2008

Support for .NET languages IC/. and VB.Net|. For Java through Visual Studio Edipse IDE plug-in.

Support for UML 2.1.2 diagram (Class. Sequarce. etc.|

Suppoh for all the diagrams like Class. Sequarce. Object. Package. State Machines. Depoyment exists

Support for Additionaf diagrams like Layer ar»d DGML exists. but lacks suppoh for Deployment. Object State machines.

Architecture analysis. disco very

Codę dependency. pattern anti pattem. cyclic dependencies. and hub models detedkm.

Codę and cyclic dependency. hub model reports. but no pattem. anti pattem codę detecticn. Architecture dtscovery can also be established at gatedcheckins.

Fcrward and Reverse engineering support

UML models can be translated to codę in .NET lartguagesIC/. VB.NET. etc.) or Java. Cr-r and vice a versa.

UML Mcdel Project type (.modelprcj) has limitaticn in forward and reverse engineering. Ho^awr dagram to codę and vice a versa conversion can be dcne from .NET codę projects making it slightlycorwoluted.


Open AR to support customizing and extendng

UML extension can be built for menu commands. UML profiles. validation constraints and toolbox items and can be distributed as VSIX types to other VS users. The extensions can be built usirg .NET 4.0 Managed Extensibility Framework(MEF|.


Requiremants can be associated to design, codę. End to end Tracę to. Tracę frcm support

Traceability suppcn through Work items. Repcrting based on Work items.


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