no one but bogen, builder of over one million high-fidelity and sound-distribution components, could have engineered the new SRB 20 stereo receiver. A superb all-in-one instrument, it’s a highly sensitive FM-AM stereo tuner, a versatile audio control center, a magnificent 20 watt (10 per channel) stereo amplifier, and it’s only $199.50 — a price you’d expect to pay for a com-parable tuner alone!

YEARS ahead. Bogen’s engineer-ing staff (largest of any sound-equipment maker) has designed the SRB 20 to be years ahead in performance as well as price. Here is all the flexibility...all the distortion-free tonę quality...all the power you need for perfect stereo pleasure. Reflecting over 25 years of experience gained in building specialized sound Systems for schools, theatres, indus-trial plants and offices, in addi-tion to high fidelity components, the SRB 20 provides the faithful sound reproduction listeners have learned to expect from Bogen. Enjoy the beautifully styled SRB 20 yourself or install it for your customers—either way you get the best buy in hi-fi today!

in terms of frequency rcsponsc or rangę but in aesthctic terms, wherein the suavc, rounded fullness of tonę of the piano and vio!in and the singular lack of distortion makes listcn-ing a delight.

The program Ricci has chosen is well hal-aneed and, of coursc, shows off his flashing virtuosity. Included arc such as Sarasate’s "Jota Aragoncsa,” Wieniawski^ "Scherzo Tarantellc," Suk’s "Burleska,” KroIPs clever and delightful "Banjo and Fidelie,” and others.


Controls: Sclcctor. FM Tuning. AM Tuning. Scparatc Basa and Treble for cach channel (lock for simul-taneoua control of both). Volume for each channel (correct imbalance, then lock for simultaneous control). On-OfT Power. FM On-OfT and AFC out. AM On-OfT and Multiplex.

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Please send me illustrated booklet, “Understanding High Fidelity." 64-page explanation of hi-fi and stereo. Enclosed is 25c.

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Richmond Releases

On this new subsidiary labcl of London Records arc to be found somc su|>cr)ativc |>crformances coupled wilh sound that. al-though dating from 1052. is in many cases cqual to many of todav’s mono records. At the $1.98 price thcsc arc the best library builders 1 know.

This month you can enjoy a good rousing performance of Borodin s "Polovtsian Dances” performed by the late Eduard Yan Beinum and the London Philharmonic. cou-plcd with Falła s “El Amor Brujo” conducted by Anthony Collins and the London Philharmonic on Richmond B19052. On B 100.16 you can marvcl at the writing in Sihclius’ scldom hcard "5th Symphony" as conducted by the late Erie Tuxcn and the Danish State Radio Symphony Orchestra. A suj>crb read-ing is set off by a rccording of fine balance and Iow distortion. The other filier on this disc is rarcly heard ... the "Karelia” suitę of Sibelius, this bcing performed by the same orchestra under the baton of Thomas Jcnscn.


Eastman Rochester Symphony Orchestra conducted bv Howard llunson. Mercury Stereo SR90134. Price $5.95.

This record is ccrtainly aptly named, for a fiesta in hi-fi it is! It contains such spcctacular showpicces as McBride’s "Mexican Rhapsody.” .\clson’s "Savannah Rivcr Holi-day,” MitchcIPs "Kentucky Mountain Por-traits.” and YardclPs "Joe Clark Stcps Out.” This is one of the vcry best stereo records I havc heard to datę. it has everything . . . gay dcvcr scorcs, cxtremely tuneful and rhythmic playing of very high order, and sound which is staggering! There is brass and percussion galorc here, all heard in the clcancst, wide-range stereo imaginablc. The dynamie rangę in the “Mcxican Rhapsody" is aimost unbclicvablc and throughout arc sonie surprises to stimulate the most jaded of hi-fi appetites. If you arc a hi-fi or stereo enthusiast, this is definitely on the "musi" list!


COPPEIJA (Compiele Bullet)

Minneapoli* Symphony Orchestra conducted by Antal Dorati. Mercurv Stereo SR2-9005. Price $11.90. Two dUce.

To complcment its recent issuc of the com-plete ballct "Sylvia," herc is Dclibes’ other mastcrpiecc in its complete format, "Cop-pclia.” As is to bc cxpectcd by now, ballet pcrformances under the baton of Dorati arc near dcfinitivc. He has that uncanny sense of rhythmic cxactitude which makes his per-formances Dow along so beautifully and. at the same time, hc is cvcr aware of the lyric aspects of the score.

This is wondcrfully balanced throughout and Mercury has furthered the projcct by giving the disc somc outstanding stereo. This is cspccially notable for the ease in aural positioning of instruments, the solid sonie wali presented by the 3-channel technique and the over-alI lack of distortion and wide frequency and dynamics. Add a finał fillip in the form of spacious acoustics and the disc is a winner    -00—

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For fringo aroao— the powerful Blonder-Tongue Ultraverter Model BTU-2R 39.95.

Sold by parte distributore. ew-10 BLONDER-TONGUE LABORATORIES, INC. 9 Alllng St., Newark 2. N. /.



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