TUK KODLKKS AM) IIAHT SONLItOOK \ OLS. .i \ 1 Kila Kil7.|!ci-iil«l. V«*rv«* I •<*liiitiatol »t«*rfo la|m* roniliiniiitf N«s«. YSTIOOH & 10004.
Hen* is a horsc ol another color. You can’t got gal cnlertaincrs much liettcr tlian Quccn Kila and on ihese la|»es is a \cry generous sampling of her art. In her inimitahle fashion she givcs us ’*I Didn’t Know What Time It Was”, "Witcie or U hen", "Bluc Moon", "My Ilcart Siood Sliil". "Lovcr”, and many othei-s.
On 1he big system were the usual faults of crosstalk, etc. On the smali setup, this was not noticeahle and the ta|>e was a reasonahlc stereo repre-scntalion of Kila. The noise lcvel was a lit tle high though. evcn on the smali unit and I foli that the fre<|uency rangewassomewh.it rcstrictcd I musi confess that although I łikc the materiał on this tape, I have a feeling that if I were to compare it with a stereo disc of the same on a good system, the disc would prohably win. As I said earlier, give ’em limę! These arc lirst irys and things are sute to im-prove. r
Tiik ci« *v«-land Ar«*a Coimcii of Ama-lnii‘ Itadio Linii* i> t.|ioiiAorinie ilu* Scrond Cl«*v«‘laml Amatciiradio (!»iivon-lion on Oi-IoIm*!' 10 and 17. il will Im* licld at tlir Miiiifjrr Holci, Ka**t Lilii Street and (Jh**1«t Av«*iui«*, Lłi*v<*laiid.