Kar. Coinl I %r«l








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Typc TC.*3 Codc fUrlllaior i»cov»«lm IO hi C\rlr tonc f    artl    lUr iwo unit* for tranamUatim over

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arlualiM I w||| fol Iow a hm:    Ali New C » l«*U

an<l 2 Klanhliahi Hattrrira. Tona Oaclllamr U ralay wlih alnyla FaHihont. !*»• luitlarlaa    gQ

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* "THE AUDIO CYCLOPEDIA" by Howard W. Trcmainc. Publishcd by Hou>-ard W. Su7ns & Co., lnc., Indianapolis. 1269 pages. Price $19.95.

Within this largo volume. the author has gatherod together an cnormous amount of data that will be of help and interest to any serious student of audio. the audio technician, or the audio engineer. In an effort to make the coverage just as broad as possible, much basie materiał is included. But the real value of the “cyclopedia" lies in its wealth of practical applications. particularly in the fields of disc. mag-netic, and optical recording. Information on sound motion picture projection equipment, audio test eąuipmcnt and techniques, and a large number of generał informational charts and tables on audio subjects are included.

Most of the information in the vol-ume is presented in a question-and-answer format with over 3400 separate questions on audio thoroughly covered. A 54-page index permits any subject to be located readily by means of a unique chapter and paragraph num-lx?ring system.

This source book should mect the needs of those who design, install. and repair audio equipment or are in-terested in this new and important science.



by R. O. Jordan & J. Cunningham. Pub-lished by Windsor Press, Chicago. 208 pages. Price $3.95.

While this is far from bcing a "de-finitive" text on high fidelity it will meet the needs of a goodly number of audio enthusiasts. The authors have tackled the job of covering 80 years of sound recording plus an cvaluation of the current State of the art and cquip-ment in slightly over 200 pages hence the treatment is, of necessity, some-what superficial.

The authors have attempted a rather ambitious testing program on various items of commercial equipmont but the results are far from inclusive sińce the Products of only some twenty or so manufacturers are covei*ed out of the entire high-fidelity and audio industry.

The book itself is beautifully presented with many two-color diagrams and charts. Illustrative materiał was supplied by Staff photographers who show kits in the process of being as-sembled and equipment in use. The text materiał is divided into nine chap-ters covering sound. hearing, sound in history, amplification, loudspeakers, disc rccordings. tuners, tapc recording, and microphoncs. Tables of ab-



breviations and schematic symbols complete the book.

It is a little hard to evaluate the technical level of this text as it varies from chapter to chapter. On the whole, howcver, the non-technical audiophile shouldn’t find himself too far“atsea” with this book.

8 8 0

"RADIO AMATEUR LICENSING HANDBOOK" by J. E. Kitchin. Pub-lished by Rudiotelephone Directories of Canuda Lłd., 119 W. Pender St., Vancouver 3. B.C. 105 pages. Price S2.00 Soft cover.

This compact volume, written by the Regional Supcrvising Radio Inspcctor of the Canadian Department of Transport (Canadian equivalentof our FCC). will be of interest not only to hams of our neighbor to the north but also U. S. hams who are interested in how Canadian amateur regulations differ from ours.

The text is divided into six sections covering examinations, station licens-ing, station operation, operating and trafTichandling. useful information, and appendices containing International Morse; International '*Q” signals; ARRL 4,Q" signals; ARRL phonetic al-phabet; miscellaneous abbrcviations; QRO, QRK, QSA. RST scales; standard color codę; common radio symbols; and a whimsical “memo" to wives and mothers of those bitten by the “ham bug.”

Hams who have heavy contact sched-ules to and from Canada will find this an excellent source book for getting

“on the beam"—Canadian style.

8 8 8

"PRINCIPLES OF TRANSISTOR CIR-CUITS" by S. W. Amos. Publishcd by John F. Rider Publisher, lnc., New York. 166 pages. Price $3.90. Soft cover.

This volume. a joint venturc of Rider and the British publisher Iliffe d Sons Lłd.. was written by a member of the Engineering Training Department of the BBC and is at the junior engineer or electronic lab technician level.

The tcxt is divided into ten sections covering semiconduction and junction diodes. basie principles of point-contact and junction transistors, common-base amplifiers, common-emitter amplifiers. common-collector amplifiers. bias stabi-lization, small-signal amplifiers. large-signal amplifiers. transistor superhets, and ot hor applications of. transistors as well as other typcs of transistors.

Although the author has based his exposition on British-made transistors. specific type numbers are not men-tioned and all the types discussed have U. S. counterparts. The treatment is




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