Mon I Tue

Thu I Fri I S»t




Elerenth Annual Convention of łhe Audio Enginecring Socieły. Hotel New Yorker, New York City. Technical papers and equipment eihibit. Program dctails avail-ablc from AES, P. O. Boi 12, Old Chelsea Station, New York II, New York.

86th SMPTE Conyenłion. Sponsored by Socicty of Motion Picture and Television Engincers. Statlcr Hilton Hotel. New York City. Technical papers and e«-hibits. Details from SMPTE. 55 W. 42nd St„ New York 36. N. Y.


ISłh Nałioiriti Electronics Conftrence. Sponsored by AIEE.- IIT, IRE, Northwestern University, University of Illinois. Hotel Sherman, Chicago. Technical ses-sions and eihibits. Information on Con-ference should be addressed to NEC, 228 N. La Sallc St.. Chicago I. III.


URSI-IRE Pall Meeting. Sponsored by U. S. National Committee of URSI and the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation. El Cortez Hotel, San Dicgo. California. Program information available from Committee at National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington 25. D. C.


Michigan Induifrial Electronics Etposifion. Sponsored by The Electronic Rcprcscnta-tives, Inc., Detroit Artillery Armory. Technical papers and eihibits. For details contact R. G. Wood. manager, at 830 W. Vernor, Detroit I. Michigan.

—riioTO 4;m;iMTs


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