thkit Stereo "Packa
MEATHKIT SO-t 8 (blrch or SO-l M (mahogany)
(cabinei lega includtd; end tablet not Includtd)
For t lic* (irst limę anywhcrc ... a stereo-kit pac kapo. rca<ly-to-p!ay aflcr only a frw hours assrmbly time and complctc willi cabinei. jUtco amplilier. stereo rrcord changer, bass woofer and stereo speaker wings. And tbe unl>elieeably Iow pricc sets an unprecedented rccord for stereophonic Systems of this qnality anywhcrc on the market. < )ne of tlie factors beliind this pbenomcnal acbieeeinent is the introduction of the iwolutionary stereophonic “sum and dirTcrcnce** amplilier used in this kit—licensed in.kit form cxc!itsivcly by Hcalli Company froin CBS l.al>oratories. Tłiiś unique development in audio seienee employs a new principle of stereophonic repioduction. The single chassis ampli licr separates the individuał stereo channels by ulilizing tlie sum and difTerencc of the total signal and directing the sound to the appro-priate right and Icft channels. reproduced by the stereo wing s|M*akers. The eentrally located woofer rcproduecs the non-<lirectional bass fre-quencies. 'The result of this modern stereo repioduction is a I >reat lilak ing experience of sound coming to you willi depth and dircction soldom achieved by conventional stereophonic methods. The lx*auti-fully styled console cabinet houses the stereo amplilier. stereo rccord changer and low-frequeney woofer. Controls on the handsoine hlack and gołd amplilier panel consist of: on-off switch. bass and treblc tonc Controls, input sclcctor switch and levcl balancing eon troi. The new CBS sum-and-difTermcc or matrix-typc circu it employs only four tul>es and is extremely easy to ossemble. The woofer, mounted lx*liind the attractiee grille dotli, is a high complianec 8' speaker capable of 30 cycle response when ho used in the acoustically designed ducted-port enclosure. The specially designed crossoeer employs a dual bass-inixing 250 cycle nrtwork. '1’lic twin stereo speakers are 6' x 9' extended rango dual cone oval speakers. The complctely automatic, four speed rccord changer employs a ceramic stereo cartridge with micro-groove dia-inond Stylus capable of obtaining the l>est froin the latest stereo or 1.1* monophonic recordings. A 45 RPM spiiulle is also ineluded for 45 RPM monophonic or stereo records. Separate inputs are proeided for AM/FM luners or multiplex. Both in styling and performance, the all-new SD-1 Stereo ofTeis you the grealest lleathkit valuc in years. Shpg. \Yt. 88 Ibs.
• 9 Watt High Fidelity Rating (monophonic)
• Complete—No “ExtrasM to Buy
• Revolutionary Stereo Amplifier
• Assemble in Just a Few Hours From Easy Step-By-Step Instructions
• Beautifully Styled Cabinetry
• Stereo Sound With Such Impact You’ll Find It Hard to Believe!
SPICmCATlONS-Ov rall Sy»t-m fu gucnCy R«'DOnsc: ±5 dt. 30 *6.000 CPi. Ampiitiłr: (pusn-oull cond.l#ons • %ccot whwf socCi'i«*d). Power vcrsus O.storUon: 10 walts. I<1S tnan 3 % ThD IrOm 30 16.000 Cg*. 9 v.at!.. I- ss tnan ?% THO from 30 16.030 Cps. I watt. less Inan 0.7% from 30-16.000 cos. P* .t* Pojw r;20w«ll$: Mid ranne ind*-tiduAl cnann.1 pownr. 6 watls. freOuency RcSPOnSc: T jntr mput. tore Controls »r» mid-oosition. f wolt ±1 dD. 3016 030 COS. Ccr.vn<c C.vtndoc mru—eauJłi/cd for
RlAA charactenStiC*. lnowi Sons.t.nty: 0.1 vOlt at ?009 cps to cacn tuner input lor 10 watt Outpul. Hum and No**n- 70 Ob orlo* to watt icrtl witn mputs Sioried. ChannH Scnaralionat S.nn.ticant f reouencu < t? *att IcatIonoperatmg sidc) ?50cps—?9.0db. I kc—34.0OD .2 fc—36.0db. 2 kc—36.0 ab. 6 kc-36.0 db. 8 KC-37.0 dt. l2kc-3S.0db. 16 hC-?9.0 db. 0#crAil C^annrl Scoaralion: ufino RCa test rccord 4M 427-1. cartridoc suppt>pd. 1000 cos. 20 db. Bass Ton* Conlroi 60 cos- accentuatiOn 3 db. Atlnnuafion 9 db Treblc Tono Control 10 kc: acc* ntuatlOn 9 (fb. At*. nuatiOn 7 db. Power Rcou«rc-monit- 117 vOlts. AC. 60 cyclcs. 76 wa!K. Cr0SS0ver N< l.-.Ork* Cr0SS0v« * freo.— 260 cos. Altenuatron ratę 12 db oer o<tavc. Power ratioO—6 aratts p< r cmnnr i Cna mer: sneods —16. 33/4. 78 rom. Cartridge c« ram.c ster- o. out‘0’-o*ase C0nrc:tcd ( 0908" dii*
mor>d Stylus). Cabmcts: dimenSions-rrvnn cabrnct. 30" *.«dc * 34>f imh * 16’ dero. SatolMc speaker. 14)4* w.de * 8" nloh x 6/4" d- • o.
The clirill* of stereo sound from this New Iłeathkit Stereo System c.ui l>c yourj NOW... whilc you pay in easy installmcuts.