NEW: Heath Now Puts 2-Way Radiotelephone Communications in Reach of Everyone

Citiien's Band Transceiver Kit

NEW: No Radio Operators License Necessary!


•    Designed to meet all FCC requirements for new 11-meter "Citizens Band” class D operation.

•    Any U.S. Citizen 18 or older eligible for license.

•    No theory to study— no tests to take.

•    Hundreds of uses in business or pleasure.

•    Top quality components— proven performance—easy to build.



2*4*5 mc 26.9 75 mc 26.9*5 mc 27.0)5 mc 27.015 mc 27.025 mc

27.035 mc 27.055 mc

27.065    mc 27.075 mc

27.065    mc 27.105 mc

27.115 mc 27.125 mc 27.135 mc 27.155 mc 27.1*5 mc 27.175 mc

27.1*5 mc 27.205 mc 27.215 me 27.225 mc *27.255 mc

•Thit channel ihared *»ith Cla** C Radio Control.


Includes lrantceiv*r, microphone. and spectal powcr cordt.



Low Cosi. poruiblr antenna for CR-I Tr.tnscciver for icmporary iiMiiillalions, m<»ł»ilc or fixc«l. wlirre ni.iximuiil (overagr is noi rrrjnimł. RiikkciI clip for mounting on c;tvrs.irough of hmiM; >r r;tin rui* łers «»f c;ir», iriirks. cir. Krurket tupplird for nuNinlinR on lr;in*ccivcr or any Hat surfarr. 45J^hase-loadrd. .inirnn.i wiih 12' ronnening cahk comc$*conipleic, rcady to usc. Shpe. 3V’t. 3 Ihs.


First and only kit of its kind . . . designed nicct all FCC rcquircments for two-way radio iclc-phottc communic.nion on ncw class D 11-mctcr “citizens band" . . . any U.S. Citizen ciglitccn or older eligible for license ... no coilc icsl, no radio theory cxam», no knowledge of spccializcd operating procedurę* rcc|iiircd . . . just fili out siinple form included with kit and mail io FCC for rcRistraiion. The Ileatlikit CB-I Transceiver is light, compact, siinple to asscmblc, ca*y to use. Buy twoor inorc unit*. havc your own Communications system . . . talk with fantily, fricuds, associatcs 1'roin your car, borne, boat or oflice ... cover distanccs front one to ten inilcs depending on location and typc of insiallalion (extensivcly field tested). A flick ofa switch selccts “transinit" or ‘‘rcceive" while single rcceiver tuning control selccts any of 23 Assigncd channel* . . . third knob Controls \olume and lurns set on and ofT. With separate cibrator power supply availal>lc from Hcatli, along with iwo special power cords included with kit, you can conccrl transceicer from fixcd location ai homc or olfice to mobile operation in cars, boats, etc., in ininutes, after initial installaiion, with no tools or adjustmenu. There‘s a lleathkit acccssory antenna for any application, mobile or fixed. Kii coines completc with micropbonc, station idcntification card which lit* in plastic winclow at end of cabinei, all pertinent FCC rcgulations anil application form*, a shcci of adhrsicc-baek letters and numbers to affix cali letters in spacc providcd on front panel, and crystal for one channel. Specify your frequency choicc or wc will supply crystal of appropriatc frec|ucncy. The famous Heathkit rpiality conpled with the market-shattering Iow pricc of tliis kil innkc it truły a value of a lifetinie. Shpg. Wt. 10 Ibs.

SPECIFIC ATIONS —Receiyt TrPe: Su0frrCOcncrativr d.Uclor •* i*t siane. Power lnowi: 5 watls to ptotc Ol Unol RF simoiifier (FCC mdnmgm). Tr, hsmit!.-* frrour^Cy Control: Third ovi rtooc ly0^ ou«'t/ CryStdl OPtrafłnO withih 0.003?* O* ma#vfd cnanncl Irce u* * Cy bfl^n 3? F a^d 140 F. ModutahOo: AM oiat* modulalioo automaUcally limitad to than 100^ (FCC rcouircm* n!s>. Po#.tv S-ODiy: 117 V 30/60 cyCl*. AC. 6 V baliby usioo Model VP-i-6 V.bralOf Pow. r Supofy Of 12 V battrry uti^n Htathtit VP-M2. POnct ftcguircmmls: 117 ,oiis 30/60cyCi-' AC 33 watt$; 6 V battery «v/VP-1-6.6.3 amos.. 1? V boi Wy w/VP'M?. 4.0 arnDS. Tot*» B + rcouire^cnts. 260 /OltS 6t 60 ma: total ncater rOOuifOmcnt*. 6 3 volls at 1.8 •imos. or i?.6 vOlts at O.Oamot Powrr RtcUUtt: 2 s«i*con o.odcs ful* voitaOc doubW Circuit. Micfoobor*': Combi* r%a!.on hand-hHd and dc*V lyn<\ CrramiC clrmrnt. plasliC Cas*. *ith CO'd and connector. PF Ou!Cul Impcdancn: 30ohms. Socafc'r S»J**: 4 meb froor.o). UndiStOfted AjO.o POwrr OutDut: AoD*0»«mat* ty I watt. L»ne Cords: TwO SuOOi^d One AC OCWatiO*. on.- «o# batWy oo« rattOn. Po*cr CifCwilS automottCaliy SwitChed *hcn acoroonatc Imc co#d »S pluoo^d i o. Cobmct OimcnsiOns: 8* H. * 6* 0- * 9>S’ W.


Kor (lit-1 Tr.intcrivcr permanem mobilr insialla-ii«*n« wlierc grcairsi rwmijr is desirrd. E.»v to insiall rloulilc chain-l\-pc l>nmp«-r m.t ml spring bas.*—no cuiting or rlrilling. Kasily adapicd to boui*. cic. *6 wavr whip antenna approsimairly 9' from inouniinR surfarr to lip—snppticrl willi clip lor smiring inscmi-hori/onlal pasiunn io elear olisiriuMions. Kil is complclc willi 102* whip in 2 srciiun*. 15' conncning ral*lc and nil necessary li.irdwarr. Shpg. \Vt. 7 ll»s.



A w.ive "grotind pl.mr" lype antenna for ClB-1 Tr Jiisecis-rr using 4 radial rlrinrni* as iht- “grouml pl.inr" .md I s*eriiral elemcni as ihc rad.alor. User Heni coscr.iRc. eiurnlially non-direciion.il. mak-ing ii ule.il for eoinmunicalions betwccn *ixed and mohilc unii*. Amenna me.mirrs 9' 4" from bonom of iiioiinlinR brarkrt io top of vrriic.il radiator. Radial Irncih 9'. Kil it compleie wiih 50' eon-nretiiig cable and easy io insiall mounting elainp.

Shpg. Wt. 7 ll>s.    $19.95


MODKI. \’l*-l-t» \‘ilwalor Power Sitpf.ly kil for 6 voli ballrries. Shpg. Wl. 4 ||>*.


Mmlel Vl*-|-I2 Yilwaiiw Rower Supply kil for 12 voI| balierict. Słi|>g. Wl. 4 Jbs.


(balterks Incioo.d)




Your best buy in a high <|uality corle oscillator, the CO-1 is ideał for Boy Scouts or beginning radio h.nro. Prae-tice codę by authentic CVV tonę or blinker light. Switch selccts buiit-in speaker or light. Contacior provided for practicc keying or any standard key can bc conncctetl. Completely trantistorized for long bat tery life. Powcred by two standard flashlight batteries. Batteries included. Slipf. Wt. 3 Ibs.


. . . *nd other Do-lt-Your*elf Hobby Kit*

Model XR-1P Transistor Portable Radio kit.. 6 Ibs.............$29.95

Model CR-1 Crystal Radio kit.. .3 Ibs...........................$7.95    ^

Model BT-1 Batlery Tester kit...2 Ibs...........................$3.50

Model ET-1 Enlaroer Timer kit.. .3 Ibs.........................$11.50

Model BR-2 Broadcast-8and Receiver kit. .10 Ibs.. .(less cab.). .$18.95

Model RC-1 Professional Radiation Counter kit.. .8 Ibs..........$79.95    MODEL XR-1P


For Fun and Safety Afloat

Model DF-2 Two Band Transistor Radio Direction Finder kit

9 IbS..........................*.......................$89.95

Model FD-1-6 Fuel Vapor Detector kit (6v.)...4 Ibs.............$35.95

Model FD-1-12 Fuel Vapor Detector kit (12 v.).. .4 ibs...........$35.95

Model MC-1 Marinę Battery Charge kit... 16 Ibs................$39.95

Model PC-1 Power Converter kit...8 Ibs.......................$24.95 MODEL DF-2

October, 1959



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