lowers the tonearm into the
sign of their arms. this ccjuaiion is not universally useful hut only helps indi-catc the generał proceduro used.
Table 1 gives the length, offset angle. and recommended ocershoot for many commercially a\ailahle stereo arms. The overshoot distanee listed should be used for pioperly orienting the pickup arm. Using this optimum orientation, the resulting maxhnum tracking error bas been caleulated and tahułated along with the minimum crosstalk ratio at this point.
Notę tliat m alt cttse* the minimum crosstalk rut to is sufticientlu high to guuruntee a minimum of degradation of the stereophonic effcct due to truck-ing error. This is the result of proper arm design and optimum orientation. Unless the arm is propei ly located for optimum overshoot, unneecssary de-gradation of the stereophonic effect will occur. and it must be remembered
If the tonearm slips out of your fingers and bounces ovcr the record —the rccord is ruined! If youre unlucky, you will also need a ncw Stylus and possibly a ncw cartridgc.
Why takc a chancc? dextrafi\$ tone-arm control prc\ etits such accidcnts! It places the Stylus in the lead-in groovc — gently and accuratcly. Thcn, at the end of play or at any point on the record, it lifts the Stylus from the rccord. And the Stylus cannot touch the rccord until the lift bar is again lowcrcd for the ncxt play. The !>EXTH\FIX® TONEARM CONTROL JllSO facilitates "cueing" at any point on the record.
A must for turntables—and rccord