high standard of hygiene and re-sponsibility towards clcanlincss in thc cm-ployccs łhemselves. Most conntrics rcquirc food plant cmploycos to have periodic medical cxatninations and to report the occurrcncc of ccrtain discascs which mlght be responsiblc for th<T~developmcnt of food-poisoning out-breaks. A sound training in the theory and proctlce of good hygienc is csscntial and op-crativcs should have all the ncccssary facilities to achieve a high standard of personal cleanli-ness and a clean, workmanlike job.
Training in the various techniques associ-ated with meat plant operations is esscntial for efficient, humane treatment of animals and for carcase meat of high quality. As in all areas of the food industry there must always be an awareness aniong employees of the vital im-portance of sound hygiene practices and personal cleanliness. There is no point in having a first-class factory with elaborate equipment if it is not matched by efficient staff able and willing to adopt good practices designed to . prevent contamination and deterioration of meat as well as ill-hcaith in themselves and the consuming public.
The responsibility for meat hygiene in an abattoir rests with top management, although in many areas, e.g. local authorities in Britain, this is not well designated. If control of thc abattoir is divided between those responsible for operatives and those concerned with meat inspection there is often a hiatus between the two which can result in Iow hygiene standards. While productivity is important it must be secondary to the demands of hygiene. All too often, however, production managers are concerned with throughput at the expense of Ihygiene and legislation is often too permissivc.
Top management has a duty to ensure (hat their hygiene policies are madę elear to managers and supervisors, cspecially linc super-visors who are in immediate control of opera-tives. While it is csscntial to have a hygiene section and a hygiene officer possessing adequatc authority, thc cssenlials of hygiene must be inherent in all members of Staff.
All managers need to be fully familiar with current meat hygiene legislation and up to datę with new innovations, especially those immediately concerned with sanitation. It is also the duty of management to ensure that their hygiene policies are madę known to supervisors and communicated to all person -
nel. The presencc of a fully qualificd nurse and a properly equipped first-aid room can assist matcrially in achieuing high hygiene standards, as can the use of a laboratory.
Usc may be madę of suitable posters, sup-plemented by lectures, films, suggestion schemes, competitions, discussion groups, etc. Each employce should be given a hygiene booklet (which may be combincd with one on safety) when he begins employment.
While modular training schemes initiated by the Food, Drink and Tobacco Industry Training Board operate in Britain, it is consi-dered that suitable meat training centres for Staff engaged in this sector are necessary in' order to deal fully with the important areas of animal welfare, specialized tcchniques, skills, occupationa! hazards, machinery, equipment and premises. commodity value, food poison-ing, etc. Different levels of training in the various functions listed above are required for different Staff members in a meat plant, but in •relation to cleanliness, dothing, attitudes and behaviour the level of training is the same for all, from the company director to the latest reeruit.
Basic training in hygiene on induction would include: the naturę ófliygiene; how it affects the operative, his or her colleagues and the consumer; hygiene practices; regulations and procedures of the meat plant; and health re-quirements of personnel. These items can be fully exp!aincd in a readable booklet given to . the new employee in which the naturę of 1 viruses, bacteha, yeasts and moulds is ex- ' plained, along with occupational hazards.
Qn_the job training can deal with the use of cquipment and tools and their sterilization; protectiyę clothing; good housekeeping in re-latioń to hygicnic prąętięgs; accidents and their reporting; use of dressings and first-aid room, if available; and safety mea^ures. A yaluable adjunct in hygiene training is a visit to the laboratory where microorganisms can be viewed through the microscope and their growth observed on culture media, with an explanation of their basie physiology.
O/L-gońjg t Mining program mes are concerned mainly with furthering awareness of the need for good hygiene practices among personnel by way of posters, lectures, personal approach, etc.
Since cuts of various types are the most common form of injury (but not the only ones)