Test 7

Task 3

Task 1

1. hers. 2. minę. 3. his. 4. my. 5. yours. 6. her. 7. their. 8. his. 9. our. 10. your. 11. Ours. 12. Theirs.

Task 2

I. abroad. 2. ticket. 3. booked, 4. flight. 5. check in,

6. backpack. 7. excess. 8.seat. 9. trolley. 10. control,

II. rank. 12. ID. 13. luggage.

Task 3

1. was painting. 2. were you doing. 3. were they hiding. 4. was trying. 5. were riding. 6. were looking. 7. was cooking. 8. was waiting, 9. was choosing, 10. was getting.

Task 4

ACROSS: 1. got. 2. fell. 3. went. 5. understood. 6. madę.

7.    lost. 8. drove. 9. kept. DOWN: 1. gave. 2. found. 3. wrote. 10. broke, 11. ate. 12. thought. 13. came.

1. Mix sugar. 2. Add mascarpone, 3. mix gently. 4. Pour some rum. 5. Cover the ladyfingers. 6. lay them. 7. Put.

Test 11 Task 1

1. What would you like to drink? 2.1'd like to try those trousers on. 3. Most Britons would like to live abroad. 4.1 wouldn't like to hurt him but he must know the truth.

5.    We would like our friends to come to the wedding.

6.    Would you like to live in a world without men? 7.1'd like you to feel comfortable. 8.1 wouldn't like to be in your shoes. 9. When would he like to leave tomorrow? 10. Would you like some morę coffee?

Task 2

1. tali. 2. handsome, 3. middle-aged. 4. long, 5. glasses. 6. slim. 7. short. 8. curly. 9. fat, 10. beard.

Task 3

1. a. 2. c. 3. a. 4. b. 5. b. 6. a. 7. c. 8. b, 9. a. 10. c.

Task 1

Test 12

Task 2

1. can. 2. Could. 3. May. 4. might, 5. must. 6. mustn’t. 7. Will. 8. Shall. 9. should, 10. Would.

Task 1

l.them. 2. him. 3. me. 4. her. 5. us. 6. them. 7. her. 8. me. 9. us. 10. him. 11. it. 12. you.

Task 2

1. What. 2. Who. 3. What. 4. Whose. 5. How long, 6. How often. 7. When. 8. How many. 9. Where. 10. How much. Task 4

1. after. 2. while. 3. Before. 4. but. 5. because. 6. and.

1. g. 2. c. 3. i. 4. a. 5. j. 6. d. 7.e. 8. f. 9. b. 10. h.

Task 3

I. a, 2.c. 3. c, 4. b. 5. a. 6. b. 7.c. 8. a. 9.c. 10. a.

II.    c. 12. b.

Task 4

1. Did he give up smoking? 2. Were you tired after work?

Test 9

3. Did you go out last night? 4. Could you ski when you were five? 5. Did they play Computer games till late?

Task 1

l.my. 2. yours. 3. to. 4. you. 5. me. 6. of, 7. does. 8. else. 9. all. 10. welcome.

6. Were Marek and Paweł angry when they left the Office? 7. Did you spend two weeks in Greece? 8. Was the weather nice yesterday? 9. Did you have to pay the bills? 10. Did she finally finish the essay?

1. said. 2. sold. 3. drank. 4. told. 5. cost. 6. left, 7. felt. 8. paid. 9. caught. 10. bought.

Task 3

1.have to. 2. has to. 3. have. 4. has to. 5. have to. 6. have to. 7. have. 8. have to. 9. have. 10. have.

Test 13 Task 1

1. How do you spell your surname? 2. Where are you from? 3. What is your address? 4. What do you do? 5. Are you married? 6. How many children do you

1. a, 2. -. 3. the. 4. a. 5. -. 6. a. 7. the. 8. the. 9. -. 10. -.

have? 7. What time do you finish work? 8. What time is it now? 9. Can you drive? 10. What do you do in your free time?

Test 10

Task 2

Task 1

1. b. 2. a. 3. d. 4. c. 5. f. 6. i. 7. g. 8. e. 9. j. 10. h.

1. him. 2. her. 3. you. 4. it. 5. us. 6. him. 7. them. 8. me. 9. her, 10. her. 11. us. 12. it.

Task 2

1. will. 2. will. 3. Will. 4. won't. 5. will. 6. will. 7. won’t. 8. won’t, 9. Will. 10. will.

Task 3

1.c.2. e. 3. b. 4. a. 5. j. 6. h. 7.1.8. i.9.d. 10. g. 11. f. 12. k.



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