■j' O U € VQUlt

creators of ossii

5 wmi-application-logger.cfg [configi



Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'Application'" I head -n 3 | taił -n 1 | cut -f 2 -d \l

;; OSS_WMI_USER, OSS_WMI_PASS and 0SS_WMI_H0ST should be used if substitutions are reąuired.

OSS_COUNTER is a *must* and is the integec cetucned above


Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'Application' and RecordNumber > OSS_COUNTER" | cat start_regexp=A([A\l]+)\l<\d+)\I([A\l)+)\I

regexp="A(?P<system_name>[A\11+)\I(?P<plugin_sid>\d+)\Ie?P<logfile>[A\11+1\I(?P<message>[A\11 +)\l(?P<recordnumber>[A\I1+1\I(?P<sourcename>[A\l)+)\l(?P<timewritten>[A\I1+)\I(?P<userhame>.



ujujuj. VQult.com


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