Titration acidity was evaluated based on ĆSN 0107: 1966 entitled Methods of evalua-ting cheese, curdle, mousse and spread brands. Dry matter was evaluated based on ĆSN 0107 Section 3: 1982 entitled Methods of evaluating natural cheese and cheese spreads. Fat was evaluated using the butyric acid method based on CSN 0107: 1966 entitled Methods of evaluating cheese, curdle, mousse and spread brands. Sodium chloride was evaluated based on ĆSN 0107 Section 12: 1982 entitled Methods of evaluating natural cheese and cheese spreads. Water activity was evaluated based on ĆSN ISO 21807 (56 0627) Microbiology of food and feedstuffs - Water activity determination. The results were processed in a statistics application Stat plus (Matouskova et al. 1992).

The aim of this study was determinate the composition and chosen physical parame-tres of 22. symplex fresh goat cheeses (Goat fresh cheese: solids content on the average 48%, fat in soil on the average 40%, vacual packaged, durability 8 for weeks).

Exhibits was withdawing 2 x monthly during the lactation period, was classification sensorial and was fixed term choice physical and Chemical characteristics - active sour-ness, titracni soumess, content oil, dry matter, oil in dry matter, sodium chloride and activity waters. Investigation cheese was fulfilment on constitution hygiene and tech-nology milks VFU Brno according to valid CSN ISO specification. pH according to CSN 57 0107: 1966 method checking cheese, curd, cream and spread. Titracni soumess according to CSN 0107: 1966 method checking cheese, curd, cream and spread. Susinu according to CSN 0107 part 3: 1982 method checking natural cheese and molten cheese. Oil acidobutyrometrickou method according to CSN 0107: 1966 method checking cheese, curd, cream and spread. Sodium chloride according to CSN 0107 part 12: 1982 method checking natural cheese and molten cheese. Water activities according to CSN ISO 21807 (56 0627) Mikrobiologie groceries and pasturage - assesment water activities. Record was evaluated in statistical programme Stat plus (Matouskova et al. 1992). Was following choice characteristics in 22 figurę natural nezrajicich goaty cheese (goaty cheese green).


An overview of the average values in the milk composition at the Farm A is pre-sented in the Table 1. Average protein content was 27.80 ± 2.30 g.l'1 %. The lowest protein content of 23.80 g.l'1 was detected in Month 4; the following months brought an increase on the protein content with a slight fluctuation in the values in the summer months. The highest protein content of 31.50 g.l'1 was determined at the end of the lactation. Protein content levels were influenced by the lactation stage and nutrition but especially by the transfer from the summer to the winter feed and vice versa. Kuchtfk and Sedlaćkova (2003) published that protein content was in course of monitoring be-tween Day 35 to Day 163 of the lactation relatively balanced but in the following period, a gradual increase in the content set in, lasting until the end of monitoring. Similar protein content results are reported also by Boros et al. (1985).

The average value of fat content was 30.60 + 3.10, g.l'1 which is a value considera-bly lower that the value of 34.00 g.l'1 which Spath and Thume report (1996). Fat content was at the beginning of the lactation at 31.60 g.l'1 and in Month 5 after the transfer to the summer feed, a decrease to the value of 28.40 g.l'1 was detected. In the following months, with the exception of extremely warm Month 7, there was a gradual fat content increase onto the value of 35.70 g.l'1 in Month 10. After the shift to the winter feed, the

Medicina Yeterinaria 7(4) 2008


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