• 2010: CNCSIS1-Romania TE Grant nr.88/28.07.2010, ID 45.
• 2010: Romanian Government & CNCSIS PD Grant (Awarded).
• 2006-2010 SUNY Buffalo Dean’s Fellowship;
• 2008-2009 SUNY Buffalo Dissertation Fellowship;
• 2007-2010: CNCSIS - Romania Grant (nr. 24/28.09.07 with UEFISCU) “Groups, ąuantum groups, corings and representation theory” PN II (ID.1002)
• 2003-2006: Grant/Fellowship for young researchers, CNCSIS BD/86, by CNCSIS - Romania
• 2005-2006: member of the bilateral Flemish-Romanian Grant “New Techniąues in Hopf Algebra Theory and Graded Ring Theory” of University Antwerpen (BELGIUM)/Free University Brussels (BELGIUM)/University of Bucharest (ROMANIA)/Babes-Bolyai Univer-sity, Cluj Napoca (ROMANIA);
• 2002-2004: member of the bilateral Grant of the Flemish and Romanian governments “Hopf algebras in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Physics”, University Antwerpen (BEL-GIUM)/Free University Brussels (BELGIUM)/University of Bucharest (ROMANIA);
Undergraduate Prizes and awards
July 2001 - IMC2 - Prague, Czech Republic - Second Prize
July 2000 - IMC - London, Second Prize
1997 - NMO3 - First Prize; part of the extended Romanian olympic team for IMO4 and BMO5 1996 - NMO - Second Prize; part of the extended Romanian olympic team for IMO and BMO 1995 - NMO - Second Pńze 1994 - NMO - First Prize
Teaching Experience Assistant Professor NTT (2009-2012) University of Southern Califor-nia.
Teaching Assistant (2006-2008) State University of New York, Buffalo.
Teaching Assistant (2002-2004) and “University Assistant” (2004-2006), University of Bucharest, Romania; classes and recitations in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory.
Research Interests
Noncommutative algebra: algebras and coalgebras, (co)representation theory, Hopf algebras, cor-
Romanian national council for scientific and academic research, the Romanian equivalent of NSF
IMC = International Mathematics olympiad for College Students, www.imc-math.org
NMO = National Mathematics Olympiad for high-school students
IMO = International Mathematics Olympiad
BMO = Balcanic Mathematics Olympiad