SIDC - Solar Influences Data Analysis Center

Predicted Ap index: 18

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Welcome to the Solar Influences Data Analysis Center (SIDC). which is the solar physics research department of the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The SIDC includes the World Data Center for the sunspot index and the ISES Regional Warning Center Brussels for space weather forecasting.


Solar icnviry yas it lo* lerela during rhe period. Three C-cla-a flarea yere recorded, rhe arror.gerr being - C4.3 evenr ar 19:45”. Theae flarea origir.sted frcrr. KOAA 2€43*a rraalar.g portion, vhich ha- rorated over rhe vesr limb. The Sur. - a currer.rly eporleae. a amalł acrire region# reapor.aable for a E3 flarę ar 01:48UT# ar abour ro rorare over rhe eaar larrb. Ko earrh-darecred corcnal mass ejecriona CMEa vere oba er red ir. arailable coronagraphac iaagery. The grearer rhan 1 OHeV proror. flux va- a-nominał levele.

Latest SWAP image

Latest LYRA curve



An isolared C-cla-- flarę renains pcaaabie.

Arour.d 2"”, aolar var.d apeed ararred a gradual ancrease from ara nominał 420 xm/a ro er.d rhe peracd ar 5“*0 Jur./a ar.d -rall climbing. Es flucruared berveen -9 and -€ nT. The anrerplanerary magr.erac field vaa anirially darecred rovarda rhe Sun, bur becaae rariable afrer 17UT ro end rhe peracd an a aready reyarda darecracn. The parracle arreair. frois a narroy exrenaaon from rhe pcaarare polar corcnal hole may affecr rhe earrh emraronmenr er. 5 or 10 Apral.

The georr.agr.erac faeld xa- ar guier ro ur.aerrled lerela, yarh acrive epaacdea IKp=4 during 21”-C3” ar.d 0€“09”. Dourbea georr.agr.eric dara yere mareir.g for rnoar of rhe peracd, bur Kingar ar.d Kiemegfe ahcyed ar. acrave epaacde arcun.d midnighr roo. The georr.agr.erac faeld aa expecred ro be ar guier ro acrive lerela, an reapor.ee ro parracle arrearr.a frcrr. raraoue ccror.al holea.

Most recent alerts

2017 Apr 03 1504 UTC

A cłass M5.8 solarX-ray f.are occurred on 2017/04.'03 vwth peak time 14:291/7 [morę]

2017 Mar 31 0458 UTC

As expected. the arrivai of the high speed stream (HSS) from the recurrent [morę]

2016 Nov 05 1349 UTC

A halo or part‘3ś-haio CME was detected with the foBowing characteristcs: [morę]

2016 Jul 05 2210 UTC

END OF ALL OUIET ALER”......................The SIDC [morę]

Latest U SET H-alpha Latest Callisto Obsen/ation*

Daily estimated sunspot number

.A>    — •    * w v y


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