Data Scientist, the sexiest job of the 21th century, requires a mixture of multidisciplinary skills rangingfrom an intersection of mathematics, statistics, Computer science, communication and business. finding a data scientist is bard. Finding people who understand who a data scientist is. is equally bard. So here is a iittle cheat sheet on who
the modem data scientist really is.
☆ Machinę leammg
☆ Statistical modeling
☆ Expeiiment design
☆ Bayesian inference
& Supemsed leaming; decision trees. random forests, logistic regression
<r Unsupemsed leaining: clusteiing. dimensionality reduction
Optimization: gradient descent and variants
Passionate about the business •fr Curious about data <r Influence without authoiity
☆ Hacker mmdset
☆ Problem solver
Strategie, pioactive, creative, innovative and collaboiative
☆ Computer science fundamentals Scnpting language eg. Python
☆ Statistical computing packages. eg.. R
☆ Databases SOL and NoSQL Relational algebra
•ćr Parallel databases and parallel query Processing
MapReduce concepts
Hadoop and Hive/Pig
Custom reducers
Expenence with xaaS like AWS
☆ Able to engage with senior management
<t Stoiy telling skills
h Translate data driven insights into decisions and actions
☆ Visual art design
☆ R packages like splot or lattice
☆ Knowledge of any of visualization tools eg Flarę. D3 js. Tableau is a group of piactitioners m the area of e commerce marketing. Our fields of expertise include-marketing strategy and optimization- customer ti3cking and on-site analytics. predictive analytics and econometncs; data warehousmg and big data system* marketing channel insights m P3id Search. SEO. Social. CRM and brand.