table 43 Some temperaturę values.



Lowest, but unattainable, temperaturę

0 K = -273.15°C

In the context of lasers, it sometimes makes (almost) sense to talk about negative temperaturę.

Temperaturę a perfect vacuum would have at Earths surface Vol. V, Page 102

40 zK

Sodium gas in certain laboratory experiments - coldest mat-ter system achieved by man and possibly in the universe

0.45 nK

Temperaturę of neutrino background in the universe

c. 2 K

Temperaturę of photon gas background (or background radi-ation) in the universe

2.7 K

Liquid helium

4.2 K

Oxygen triple point

54.3584 K

Liquid nitrogen

77 K

Coldest weather ever measured (Antarctic)

185 K = -88°C

Freezing point of water at standard pressure

273.15 K = 0.00°C

Triple point of water

273.16 K = 0.01°C

Average temperaturę of the Earths surface

287.2 K

Smallest uncomfortable skin temperaturę

316 K (10 K above normal)

Interior of human body

310.0 ± 0.5 K = 36.8 ± 0.5°C

Hottest weather ever measured

343.8 K = 70.7°C

Boiling point of water at standard pressure

373.13 Kor 99.975°C

Large wood fire

c. 1100 K

Liquid bronze

c. 1100 K

Freezing point of gold

1337.33 K

Liquid, pure iron

1810 K

Bunsen burner flame

up to 1870 K

Light bulb filament

2.9 kK

Earths centre


Melting point of hafnium Carbide

4.16 kK

Suns surface

5.8 kK

Air in lightning bolt

30 kK

Hottest stars surface (centre of NGC 2240)

250 kK

Space between Earth and Moon (no typo)

up to 1 MK

Centre of white dwarf

5 to 20 MK

Suns centre

20 MK

Centre of the accretion disk in X-ray binary stars

10 to 100 MK

Inside the JET fusion tokamak

100 MK

Centre of hottest stars

1 GK

Maximum temperaturę of Systems without electron-positron pair generation

ca. 6 GK

Universe when it was 1 s old

100 GK

Hagedorn temperaturę

1.9 TK

Heavy ion collisions - highest man-made value

up to 3.6 TK

Planck temperaturę - naturę s upper temperaturę limit

1032 K


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