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ABBYY Software Solutions for Buslnesses
Why do companies need ABBYY OCR and PDF corwerslon Solutions?
Mont ygortsafeens wwat dceł with large e4 documento cnery »ngfc day Documents
are crucial etements for the commurwiabcn and eiecutrcn of ewry business trartsdcfcon. Howew the management of these documents can be very bmecomuming and eipensr#e which severeły impacts the bottom fine of any compory. ABBYY software enabłes orgamsa-tjons to transform paper, seans and POfs into usatte. searchaWe. stocable darta. savir>g them ratoabke resocrces and thus trne and money No roattef the zoc of organisation or iiv dustry ABBYY Kas the nght sołuben to inerease the effciency of deatog wrth documents. Whether reducing manuał data errtjy, areating <%£ał searchabie ardwes of files. or getbng documents into a document management system (CMS) oc Sharefloh\*. ABBYY has a sofo-tioo to frt every business rwed.
Why AB8YY products?
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Incraasod ProduKtltfty
Rotytfrg oortarr.trcm documorrts wastos ttaa ano ofTOrt. ABBYY products rodjco marua: ano mąko
omp-c^ocs moro ofTctert.
soarcfujbta. Smpły scannłrg a Ooaimont 6 not cnou^u WWKHrt soarcfsabfci toct, f>ow can youCnd * Msr7
ABBYY products aro dcsgnod wtfft an MuDvq and oosy to uso resrtaoe gukłos tfto uscr trrougp tr<e OCR steps and r»ps Mm cędrrtso tho rocogrttkn rosuts.
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