ed as the Valkenburg flint. It originates from the Cre-taceous formation of Maastricht (W. M. Felder 1975; Lohr 1975, 96; W. M. Felder et alii 1979, 46-50).

The easternmost point for Cretaceous flint cxploita-tion is situated at Lousberg near Aachen (Fig. 6). The charactcristic flint with brown and bluish stripes was ex-truded there. It originates from the Cretaceous Maastricht formation (Lohr 1975, 96; Lohr, Zimmermann, Hahn 1977, 157; W. M. Felder et alii 1979, 65-67).

Fig. 3. Quarry ENCI, Sint Pietersbcrg near Maastricht. Scc-tion of the Gulpen-Maastricht Formation with many laycrs of

flint nodules

Fig. 5. Banholt and Mhcer near Maastricht. Schematic section of the flint occurrences in the flint eluvium at the Neolithic flint minę

and workshops

Photo by J.Lech

Fig. 4. Rijckholt —St.Geertruid near Maastricht. Lithologica]

section of the Lanaye Chalk

After W.M.Felder et alii

After W.M.Felder et alii

Ali of the above flint types, and Rijckholt flint in particular, occur in the Pleistocene gravels of this area as well. These secondary deposits are soraetimes scveral km away from the points of their occurrence in the bed rock. The State of flint preservation is much poorer there, and the cortex frequently torn off. Certain changes in the colour in comparison with the raw materiał from the bed rock are visible (Lohr, Zimmermann, Hahn 1977, 158-160).


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