September, 1983
Gireas Oavz s
Space donated by SHORT WA VE MAGAZINE L TD
1<*> per *»ord, minimum charge £1.50 payablr wkk order. Add 25 per cent for Boki Face <Henv> Type). Płease write deariy, udng ful pancluation and recogafecd abbreHadons. No mponsibUłty accepted for traucripdon erron. Box numbers 40p ettra. Send copy, with remlttance, to the Classified Dept., Short Waee Magadae Ud.. 34 High Street. Wełwyn. Herts. AL6 9EQ.
Copy musi be received by Seplember 15th to be surę of inclusion in the October issue.
G2VF lnventor and proprietor of Patent for VARIABLE HIGH FREOUENCY FRAME ANTENNA wishes all Hams and SWL's to benefit from his irwention and offers Circuit and fuli assembly details for the modest sum of £5. A Do-lt-Yourself project. Components required to be found in most Ham shacks. Most expensive components, two variable tuning capacitors. Antenna twenty-one inches square, mounts on top of con-trol box, fully rotatable from operating position, tunable all the way 80to 10metres there being only one inductance. SWR One to One 40, 15and 10and One Point FivetoOne 80and 20. R9onCW from JA, W areas Oto 9, VE 1 to 6and all Europę. Ninety awards obtained with frame. Maximum power 100 watts. Ideał for fiat dwellers.
Cheęues or Money Orders to: —
F. G. Rylands. 39 Parkslde Avenue Millbrook, Southampton S01 9AF
NEW H100 500 COAX has half the loss of UR67 yet is about the same size and takes normal connectors — 80p per M (post 5p/m) — Ouantity discounts. Send SAE for fuli data and sample.
Other High Ouality Cables
UR43. 50ohm, 2Ct> per metre (post 3p/m)
UR76. 50 ohm, stranded conductor. 2C*> per m <3p/m)
UR67, 60Ohm thick, Iow lot*. 0Cfc per m (5p/m)
UR70 75ohm5mm<Jia, 2Cfcpermł3d/m) Allpńces
RG174U Miniaturę coax 50ohm 25p per m. |1p/m> include VAT
75 ohm DOUBLE SCREENED 8mm d-a COAX, 25p per m (4p/m)
300 ohm TWIN RIB80N FEEDER, 1£> perm l^m) 75ohm TWIN FEEDER. 1Ebperm(^)/m) 14SWG HD COPPER AERIAL WIRE, 20p per m l2Vip/m|
ALL UNIRADIO CABLES ARE TO BS2316 SAE tor LISTSor Sample ot anyofabove
W. H. Westlake, G8MWW, Clawton, Holsworthy, Devon
FACT NOT FłCTK)N • Noexp»łańre#quipfmm»quredorłyati*TXab*e
H you start RIGHT you will be reading amateur and commeroa* Morse wrthn a month. (Most studems take about three weeks). That's why aftor 25 YEARS we stil use three soentifcally prepared special records with which you Carnot fail to team the MORSE RHYTHM automaticaly Ifs aseasyasleamingatune. l8w.p.m.in4weeksguaranteed.Comptetecoursecomprisxig2x 12" ♦ 1 x 7* multi-speed records ♦ books & U.K. p.p. £7.00. Overseas. sufficient for /50 gmu.l. Despatch by return from: — S. Bemett G3HSC. (Box 14). 46 Green Lane. Puhey, Suney ĆR2 3PO 01 6602895
Data Sheets, Large 23p S.A.E. Aerial Guide 75p
Callers Welcome By Appointment Tel: 03986 215
For Saie: Racal RA-17 receiver, coverage 0-32 MHz, £120. — Ring Laidlaw, Wakefield 897308.
Selling: National RF-3100 32-band digital receiver, mains/battery» £125. — Ring Matthews, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 677877.
Sale: Eddystone 880/2 high-stability receiver, coverage 0.5-30 MHz, 30 bands, excellent condition, £200. Wanied: Transmatch ATU. — Ring Redway, G4TRA, 0793-613221 (day), 0454-775988 (evenings).
Sale: Microwave Modules MMT144/28 2-metre transverter, £65. Tech TE-22D audio generator, £30. Heathkit AV-3U AC valve voltmeter, measures any type of AC yoltage, rangę 10 Hz to 400 kHz, £30. High-impendance microphone, on stand, £8. All items plus postage. — Michaelson, G3RDG, QTHR. (Tel: 01-455 8831).
For Sale: Trio TS-120V transceiver, £255. Yaesu FT-290 2m. transceiver, complete with charger, nicads, mobile mount and 5/«-whip aerial, £220. — Ring Bayliss, G4FJJ, 021-561 1031.
Selling: Kenwood TS-830M, mint, 5 months old, £525. Owner going overseas. — Ring Quantick, G3UGL, Bedford (0234) 750050.
For Sale: Collins651S-1 receiver, nearly new, fuli documentation, only serious enquiries please. — Ring 0628-30920.
Selling: FT-480R, with 2m. gutter-mount 54-whip and 2m. 5-element beam, ideał for new G6, the lot for £375. — Ring Roberts, G4PIA, 0922-682393.
SellorExchange: Nems-Oarke Rxwilh frequencyextension unit, 60-450 MHz, £120. Canadian No. 58 Set and PSU, £15. Collins HF monitor head with frequency displays, £20. Ultrasonoscope monitor łscopet £25. Would exchange any of the above for HF mobile or solid-state RTTY equipment. — Ring McCallum, G6LEJ, 0733-231639.
Sale: Trio R-1000 receiver, little used, original packing, etc., £195 or near offer. — Ring Hatton, G4SLT, Reading 478729.
Shack Clearance: Everything must go, so first sensible offer secures. Receivers, very high power amplifier components, VHF miscellany, you name it and I’ve probably got it somewhere. Too much to list so telephone evenings to make a bid. — Ring 03543-3508 (Chatteris, Cambs.).
For Sale: Hygain 18-ATWWB vertical antenna, £25. Approximately 90 metres UR-67 coax, £25. Both items plus carriage. — Michaelson, G3RDG, QTHR. (Tel: 01-455 8831).