On the ManngcmnU of <t fifll.

recjuire Ids eyes for watching the order of the other ropes. A man should be aWc to pult his beli of} and ring il at a set puli wilii I is eyes shut, and this ts what the learner should aim at doing as soon at; possible.

Wjth regard to llie position dttrtng ringing, Mr. Troyte ha'; sto woli cxplamed this Ihat i prefer (juoting his words exact)y, ralher than patuphrasing them, or suhshtoting any rcmarks of my own, and skali therefore conclude this part of my subjeet with (iie following exiiar.t irom his work:

'‘A rirtger should stand upnght,neverbending his borfyfrom the hip, as most rontid ringom wili be sec u to do; if a beli gces-hadly, and ihus requires strengt h, or if she is a very large belg the weight of the body should be thiown on the ropę by dropping the knees, and the greatest care musi be taken never Lodothis (oo irttu. h. A largo beli onghl to be mng so as nevcr to be tbrown ovcr the baianre morę than half1a-doicn pounds weighl or so, etse it will be irnpossiblc to strike her properly. The position of the feet I do not < onsidcr of any greal inipoi tance ; the prettiest way ts to keep one foot a lit tle in advance of the other (wioch, it does not inatter); but a great thing is to keep them during a whole touch, or as long as possible, in the same place, and not to keep moving them. A man %vlio rnoves his feet about isne\ er so safe in a peal as a man w ho stands quietly ali tho timc.1


In rrmcurrence wuh Mr. Troyte"1 rewarks, 5 may arid. rhrtt aluiosr the cmly reason for moving the fect, is that in a long tour.h, or peal, tbey are apt to 2 po to sleep" front remaining too long in ihe same position. Ir1 such a case it is best, occasionally, to changę the position by at te ring tbo foot tbat i-s in advance. Cn ringing a peal I generally ring in my “stockiDg feet,'1 and can stand nearly any length oj tirne n the same position. Jn a peal of over 10.000 ch?,nges, in which 1 rang the tenor (oniy a t.scwt. bel!!,


I stood tintił ihe hrsi part-end ramę up (Iwo hours) wnhout mov1ng llie position of m> fect in the slightest dcgree, and then only changed litem hy aćvaucmg the other foot, because I did not wish to run any risk of being afflicted \mh “pins and needles “


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