
at the next blow the second strikcs over the treble, turns it from behind, and on the way down they are again separated only by some one or other beli. fn this same way each beli “courses” some other beli.

Although I think that in a less number than seven bells a man sbould be abie to pick out the bells he has to follow without this aid, on liigher numbers the use of the “course beli " is almost a necessity, and although 1 learnt to ring without making any use of it until ringing on seven or eight bells, still it is a great help to some.

The modę of usmg the course beli as an aid to reading the ropes is this; la hunting down you keep wha!f-an-eye” on the course-bdl, and can thus, after it is pulled ufif, see which of the other bells is following it: that beli will be the one you have to puli after. When you come into secomTs place, you must not forget that your course beli will then be at thelead. and you will therefore havc to follow it when you strike into second’s place.

In hunting up, the course be.il can be uscd in the same manner, because, when your beli is pulled off, tf you keep the aforesaid half-eye on the course beli, you can easily sec which bel! strikes between you and it.

The reason why the course beli is of such use is front the fact, previously notieed, that it is always tolerably easy to see which Iwo bells are nearest to you (in the way of following or preceding you, 1 mean); knowing this, and that you only strike on your course beli at certain times, you can, therefore, pick out the other beli, which you then know must be the one to follow.

Bob Doubles,—Chan ges on hvc bells are called “Doubles and those pricked according to the Plain Bob method arc known as “Bob Doubles." Any one who can prick the hunting course on five bells, if he only remembers that secomTs place must hc


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