Clmngcs on Six Bells. 63

On conductuig Bob Minor.—On any nu iii ber of Lietls the boi'?, are called, as expl;unod in che chapter on LSnb Douhles, when the Creble stnlces in second's place pnwionsly to leading. If the condur.ior will, iherefore, nocice the di/Tereni places he will occupy al the lead-ends when the cali* have to be madę, in any of the following touches, and will also consider which place he will have reuched when the trehie has nrrived in secomTs place (and the cal) is tben to be ma<le), he will beable to make the cailh at the pruper time.

The lead-ends of Bob Minor may be pricked in a similar way to Ihat exp!ainc<j for Bob Doubles. The reąuisite scales, as given beluw, may be found by pricking the first lead, frotn rounds, eitliei plam, ur with a bob, ur with a single.

Scalę i for pricking Bob Miner by the teod-auh.

2 i -I 5 ó    2 i ^ 5 O    2 3 4 5 6

X    ■    ■    1

Piain lead j 5 2 6 4    Bob lead 233 6 4    Single lead 32564

Tonches of Bob Minor by the lead-ends.

To assist the conductor in his exaniuiation of the following touches. each le.id-end is given. The prefix    signlfies that

the lead-end is produced by a Boh, and 11S" by a Single.



2 3 4 5


2 3 5 (■> 4


2 3 0 4 5

- 2 3 6 4 5

2 3 4 3 b

S 3_2 4 5 6

- 3 ^ 5 (J 4

- 3 2645

S 2 3 ą 5 0



- i 4 i 6

2 3 4 5 6

i 5 2 f| 4

S 3 2 5 6 4

- 5 5 6 4 2


5 4 3 2 0

S 3 2 4 5 fi


S 2 3 5 6 4

-4 2635

S 3 2 6 4 5

2 3 4 5 6

S 2 3 4 5 f*


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