Before endeavouring to acquire the ait of managing a beli, I should recommend eacti learner, by practical observation, to make himself acquainted with the manner in which a beli is “hungthe names of the difTerent parts, and the mechanical movements of the ropę and the beli. Besides the parts referred to in the accompanying illustration, I may add that the edge of the beli at its largest diameteb is known as the “ lipthe part where the clapper strikes as the “ soiiudbow" the part above this as the “waist" and the upper part as the “crown." On the crown are cast the projecting loops, known as “ canons " by which the beli is attached to the stock. The part of the clapper which strikes the beli is called the “bali" the part above this the “ shank" and the part shown in the illustration, which projects a short distance beyond the bali, is known as the “flight." The joint in which the clapper hangs from the beli is called the “ crown staple

When a beli is at rest,. mouth downwards, in the position shown on theopposite page, it is said to be “down"; if the ropę be pulled, the beli will move slightly in one direction and then, from its own weight, will swing back the opposite way; if these pulls be repeated, the beli will gradually swing further, or “ńse" as it is called, until at last it will swing so far each way that the whole movement completes a circle. The beli is then said to be “up" and may, if desired, be allowed to go a little way “overthe balance " until the “ stay " moves the near end of the


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