

The four crewmen of the La Balsa with two prominent Aus-tralian amateurs. Left to rlght: VK4YP» President of the Brisbane DX Club; Vital Alsar, VK4NP, President of the Wireless fnstitute of Australia, Queensland Division ; Gabriel Salas, Marc Modena and Normand Tetreault

10 UK łhis summer via YK, ZC4, OD5. SV and I. During hisstay in southcm ATrica, hc and his wifc, Iris, havc visitcd Swaziland, Mozambique and Rhodcsia.

The Brisbane DX Club entertained the crcw of the raft La Balsa after they amvcd at Mooloolaba (65 miles north of Brisbane) on 4 Novcmbcr last aflcr its 8,500-milcs trip across the Pacific from Ecuador. On 15 Novcmbcr the four crewmen werc givcn a dinner which was attendcd by members and their wives.


Sincerc apologies arc olTcred to members of ihis organiza-tion who werc mis-informed by last month’s MOTA. Mr Alexandcr Lex-Amold (13 Litilc Rd, Hemel Hempstcad, Herts) has pointed out that ihc organization is still in cxistencc and that further bulletins will be fortheoming. Perhaps it should be said that your scribe is anxious to assist any organization which helps the listening or trans-mitting reader, but hc can only publish information as rc-ccived. This cannot under any circumsianccs be guarantccd to be correct but is published in good faith.

Italian prefixes

ARI informs us that the Italian Post Ministry has now authorized Italian amateurs to usc the first figurę of their QTH “ZIP” instead of the “1" prcviously uscd in their calls. The approximatc location of Italian stations will now be as follows:

IPI —Picmonte, Liguria. Vallc d’Aosta.

12— Lombardia.

13— Vcncto, Trcnlino Alto Adigc, Friuli-Vcnczia Giulia.

14— Emilia.

15— Toscana.

16— Marche, Abruzzo.

17— Puglic, Basilicata.

18— Campania, Calabria, Molise.


10—Lazio, Umbria.

ISO—Sard inia.

Smali Italian island groups will be prefaed as follows:

IA5—Isolc Toscanc (Elba etc).

IBO—Isolc Ponziane (Ponza, etc).

IC8—Isole Napoletane (Capri etc).

ID9—Isolc Eoiic (Filicudi etc).

IE9—Isolc di Ustica (Ustica).

IF9—Isolc Egadi (Favignana).

IG9—Isolc Pelagie (Lampcdusa etc).


IL7—Isole Tremiti (Tremiti).

IMO—smali Sardinian Is.

Amateurs not wishing to changc prefwes may continuc to use their old ones.

DX news

Bullctin 1-71 from DXpedition of the Month says that QSLing for VS90C has been discontinucd as the operator will not vcrify the logs over the air. Some 150 incoming cards from YV0AI and YV0AI/MM were found to be incorrcctly filed and havc now been despatched. Anyonc who is still missing a card for either cali is invited to re-apply. Stu Meyer, W2GHK, points out that futurę DOTM bulletins arc availab!e to anyone who sends 9$ by 4J sabs with ircs to Box 17316, Raleigh, NC, 27609.

INDXA’s latest list of stations for whom QSLing is carried out includes AP2KS, EQ2CC, FM7WW, FR7AE/E, FY7AF, K3QOS/KB6, KP6AL, ST2SA, TY7ATF, VE8CB, YK9NP, VK0TM, XT2AA, ZB2AY, ZD8AY, ZKIAJ, ZK2AH and ZM7AG. 5U7AW and TR8MR cards should go to VE2DCY, and 5VZWT to W4SPX. The secretary is Bud Kcllam, K3RLY, PO Box 125, Simpsonvillc, Md, 21150, USA; membership is worldwide and costs only $2 or equivalent. Membership gives no privilcges other than the satisfaction of hclping amateurs in out of the way ptaces to get on the air.

ZM7AG has been heard in Europę, but as his signal is not strong the situation is virtually an impossible one as bchaviour on his frcquency has to be heard to be believed— stations who are not copying never stop calling. Jim will be there for two years or so and seems to favour 14,180 to 14.200kHz between 0400 and 0700 sometimes with 5W1AR trying lo help. His beam should arrive soon.

A number of *’ncts” are of interest to UK amateurs. The Western Hemisphcre Net mects at 0300 every Wednesday on 3,845kHz with Alida, KP4CL, as net controller. They tunc the 3,750 to 3,800kHz segment for European callers. The British Commonwealth Net meets daily on 21,354kHz at 1430 and attracts VS9MB, ZB2, 9H1, 9VI and many MP4s (until the imminent British withdrawal from the area). The Southern ATrica LF DX Net is to be found on 7,050kHz at 1900 on Wcdnesdays, and on 3,790kHz at the same timc on Thursdays—ZSIMH is in control and the net attracts CR6, CR7, FH8, FR7, ZD5, ZS and others.

VS9MT/VS9MM, Dave, is now on the air from Gan. VQ9SM will be leaving Chagos in the autumn for a stay on Rodriguez Is wherc hc will become 3B9CF. Jacky*s logs for the period 22/12/70 to 20/3/71 have not yet arrived at JA0CUV/t. KB6CT is putting good signals into Europę on 14MHz ssb and is spccially looking for Europeans on Wcdnesdays at 0600 on 14,278kHz; KH6s HHO and HIF often try to control the pilc-ups. There are now two stations on the air from Mawson, in Australian Antarctica. One is YK0CC and the other VK0MX, both operators expect to be there until 1972. YR5DK is now in New Zcaland. ZKIAJ




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