Graduatc and undcrgraduatc:

Kieślowski, “The Decalogue”

Narratives of Assimilation

From Poland to Popland

Bruno Schulz: An Unfinished Modemist Project

The Holocaust Object

Gombrowicz: The Writer as Philosopher

Introduction to Polish Literaturę. Parts I-III

Modem Polish Novel

Theories of Vision

Polish Grand Narrath es (reading course)

Traumatic Everyday: The Holocaust in Polish Culture

Novel Films: Cinematic Adaptations of Polish and Russian Literaturę

Czesław Miłosz and His Ideologies

Bodies. Things. and Objects: An Intcrdisciplinary Inquiry

The Art and Craft of Polish Essays

Word and Image: Rcassessing Interdisciplinarity

Constming the Other: Representation of Jewish Community in Polish Cidture Reading the Arch-Te\t: Adam Mickiewicz’s Pan Tadeusz Postwar Polish Poetry

Wordsversus Imagcs: Interdisciplinarity and Polish Literaturę

Revolution and the Spirit: Polish and Russian Cinema. 1956-present. co-taught

Graduatcs only:

“Unsavory Plays": Polish Modemist Drama, advanced seminar Proseminar: Literary and Intcrdisciplinary Studies Undcrgraduatcs only:

The Holocaust Cinema: The Polish School and Beyond. for the East-West Program

Gombrowicz: The Writer as Philosopher. for Fundamentals, by im itation

Romantic Paris/Slavic Paris, for the East-West Program

"Moments of Happiness." for Fundamentals. by invitation

BA paper writing seminar

Reading Cultures, Parts I-III

Readings in World Literaturę: Epiphany and Literaturę


Postdoctoral mentorship (foreign scholars):

"American Modemism/ Polish Modemism,” Agnieszka Rejniak-Majewska. Łódź University. Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation Visiting Scholar Program Fellow at the U of C, Winter and Spring Quarters 2013.



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