Hormatli oxucu!

Respublika Prezidenti canab ilham 01iyev tarafindan imzalanmię “Azarbaycan-2020 Galacaya baxię” inkięaf Konsepsiyasi ęaręivasinda 2014-cil ilda AMEA-da apanlan maqsady6nlii struktur dayięikliklari, innovasiya va ITK sektorlarinin gUclandirilmasi, ganc alim va miitaxassislarin dastaklanmasi va s. elmi-tadqiqat ięlarinin saviyyasinin ytiksaldilmasi yolunda iralilayięi tarnin etmiędir. Bu mohtaęam tadbirlarin hayata keęirilmasi ęubhasiz ki, dovlatimiz tarafindan elm alamina olan diqqatin gostaricisidir.

AMEA Botanika institutunun kollektivi butun bu ięlara qo$ularaq oz faaliyyatini genięlandirmię va takmillaędirmiędir. AMEAtarixinda ilk dafa olaraq hayata keęirilmię Baki Elm Festivalinin ięinda, Azarbaycan alimlarinin I qurultayinda, sargilarin, beynalxalq laboratoriyalarin taękilinda, sahalararasi layihalarin hazirlanmasinda va s. institutun amakdaęlan faal iętirak etmięlar.

Strateji ahamiyyatli innovativ faaliyyat sahalari institutumuzda genię nailiyyatlar qazanmi§dir. innovasiya gostaricilari burada kifayat qadar ytiksakdir va buna siibutu Biilletenin taqdim edilan buraxilięinin sahifalarinda tapa bilarsiz. Hazirda alimlarin bu gttna qadar hayata keęirdiyi ięlari (yeni texnologiyalar hazirlamaq va onlan tatbiq etmak) davam etdirmak tięun yaxęi imkanlari var. Proqress yeni yanaęmalar talab edir, lakin onun nailiyyati ideyalann inkięafinda uzaqgoranlik va masuliyyatdan asilidir. Biza tadqiqatlan elm, iqtisadiyyat va camiyyat arasinda alaqalari yenilamak tięun inkięaf modeli yolu ila lazimi istiqamata yonaltmak ęansi aęilir ki, bu da dunyanm galacak sabitliyini tarnin eda bilar.

AMEA Botanika institutunun direktoru, AMEA-nm miixbir iizvii, prof. Yalida Olizada


Dear Readers!

Purposeful structurał changes, strengthening of innovation and ICT sectors, supporting of young scientists and specialists etc. at theANAS in theframe ofDevelopment Concept "Azerbaijan -2020: The Vision of the Futurę " signed by the President ofAzerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev led to progress in the direction of improving the ąuality of research. The implementation of great actions is undoubtedly an indication of the attention paid by the State to the science.

The staff of the Institute of Botany of ANAS expanded and improved their actmties by joining all these actions. Scientists of the Institute took an activepart in the Science Festival which was held in Baku for the first time in the history of ANAS, in First Congress of Scientists of Azerbaijan, in exhibitions, in organization of international laboratories, in the development of multidisciplinary projects etc.

Innovative activity in the strategically significant areas has achieve.d an extensive successes at our Institute. Innovation indicators are sufficiently high here and the evidence for thisyou can find in the pages of the current issue of the Newsletter. Currently, scientists have good opportunities to continue the actrnty (to elaborate and apply new technologies) that we carried out up to now. Progress reąuires new approaches, but its success depends on the farsightedness and responsibility in the deve!opment of ideas. We have the chance to direct investigations to an appropriate way by of the development model in order to update the relationship between science, economics andsociety, which could ensurefuturę stability ofthe world.

Prof. Dr. Valida Alizade Director of the Institute of Botany ofANAS



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