associated professor of thc Depart. of Praxiology of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences. Main points of interest: philosophy, methodology (Main works : Definicje w naukach dedukcyjnych (Defini-tions in deductive Sciences), Warszawa 1956), logie, semantic (Język i nauka (Language and science), Warszawa 1964), science of science, praxiology, formal theory of action.

KLEMENS SZANIAWSKI (b. 1925), studied mathematics and philosophy in Warsaw and Łódź Universities, Ph.D. 1960. Professor of logie of Warsaw Univ., President of Polish Philosophical Society. Member of several editorial boards of journals, e.g. Synthese, Theory and Decision, Erkenntnis, Prakseologia, and Studia Logica. Main fields of interest: philosophy of science, praxioIogy, logie of non-deductive inference, decision theory, foundations of probability, statistics.

BOHDAN WALENTYNOWICZ (b. 1912), studied technical Sciences at Warsaw Technical University, 1936 E.E., 1964 E.D. Editor and publisher of scientific and technical books and papers, editor in chief of monthly Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, ąuarterly Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa and ąuarterly Science of Science. Professor (retired) at Praxiology Dep., Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Praesidium member of two Polish Academy of Sciences Committees — Science of Science and of Terminology Committee. President of Polish Committee of Electrical Terminology, member of International Council for Science Policy Studies. Engaged in philosophical, methodological and praxiological problems of technology and engineering, systemie approach to engineer’s activity, scientific and technical communication theory.

ZBIGNIEW WASIUTYŃSKI (1902-1974) studied Warsaw Politechnical School, Warsaw University and Facultó des Sciences of Paris University. Professor of Warsaw Technical University and of the Institute of Foundamental Problems of Technology of Polish Academy of Sciences. Designer and builder of bridges, Polish Diet, Ministry of Communication, building of Statistics Office, Polish greatest printing house in Warsaw and other buildings. Member of Polish Academy of Sciences, president of its Engineering Committee, founder of the Polish Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Weil known as theoretician and practitioner of civil engineering and construction; interested in science of science and praxiology.

TADEUSZ WÓJCIK (1917-1975) studied at Foreign Trade Academy in Lwów, philosophy at Łódź and Warsaw Universities (1960 Ph.D.) Assoc. prof. of logie in Warsaw University, later of the Institute of Librology and Scientific Information of Warsaw Univ., Praxiology Dep. of Polish Academy of Sciences, head of Scientific Information Postgraduate Studies of Warsaw Univ., collaborator of Polish Normalization Committee. Main fields of interest: logie, praxiology,


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