
Monday, 16 September


Monday morning. 16 Scplcmber. 10:00

Warsaw Uniyersity of Technology: Building ofMalhematics

NANOFORCEINFO DAY: Nano-particles character-isation at CePT

Monday morning. 16 Seplenibcr. 11:00

Chair: Witold Lojkowski

11:00    Orał

Nanomctrology as a tool for nanotcchnology problcms solying

e-mail: wl@unipress.waw.pl

Some examples will be given on tlie corelation belween nanostructure and properiies of nanoparticles. based on experiences of Ihe Laboratoiy of Nanosiniclurcs for Pholonics and Nanomedicine, Institute of High Pressure Physics. PAS. Center for Preclinical Reseaech and Technologies (CePT).

For the avaiable eąuipment. look at http:/Av3.unipress.waw.pl/nano/index.php?id=aparantra

11:10    Pol ish Research Projects

lin> estigation of nanoparticles by DSC-TG methods accom-

panied by Chemical analysis of cmittcd gas

Iwona E. Malka1 2. Jacek Wojnarowie/2. Anna Swiderska - Środa2. Witold Lojkowski2'3

1. Instytut Wysokich Ciśnień PAN (IWC). Sokołowska 29/37. Warszawa 01-142, Poland 2. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute ofHigh Pressure Physics (UNIPRESS), Sokołowska 29/37, Warszawa 01-142, Poland

e-mail: iwona.malka@gmail.com

Simultaneous Thermograyimetry (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) coupled with quadruple mass spectrometer provide a lot of usefiil data in nanomatcrials investigations.

In laboratory practice is vety important to keep a high tests precision. reproducibility and Iow mcasurement uncertainty. as well as use estab-lished standards. In this work. we present thcrmal behaviorof different nanopowders such as ZnO nano-particle cliaractcri/cd by different morphology and nano-Zt02 used as the optical. oxygen sensor. In-volving the mass spectrometerto thermal stability measnrements lielps to understand naturo of tested nanoparticles. Incase of both nano-o.xidcs we noticed decomposition of adsorbed water in the temperaturo rangę 25-200°C and rolease of C02 in temperaturo rangę 200-500°C. Such kind of measurements aro very useful to obtain good quality of nano-matcrial or to explain different behavior of nanopowders comparing to their bulk countcrparts.

Netzsch STA (DSC-TG) and QMS was purcliased with support of the project "Centro for Preclinical Research and Technology” CePT which was partly financed by European Union European Rcgional De\ elop-ment Fund in the frame of the Opcrating Program Innovative Economy, in years 2007-2013, Priority 2. Infrastmcture of sphere R+D. activity 2.2.

Iwona Malka gratefully acknowledges thefinancial support front tlie Foundation for Polish Science (FNP START 2013).

11:25    Orał

Method of Stability EyaluationforNanodiamond Suspcn-


V. BakuI Institute for Superhard Materials NAS of Ukrainę, 2, Autozavodska str., Kiev 04074, Ukrainę

e-mail: pol@ism.kiev.ua

Nanodiamond powders found broad application in the form of suspen-sions in medicine and biolog)'. It is known. tltat because of the nanodiamond powders essential aggregation it is impossible to create slabie suspensions. Thereforo the stability evaluation of suspensions is an actual task.

In YBakul Institute for Superhard Materials NAS of Ukrainę the method and tcchniquc of stability evaluation for suspensions of nanodiamonds is dereloped on tlie basis of comparasing their optical density with concentralion of the suspensions. Determination of suspensions optical density was fulfilled by means of a photometrie measuring. The photometrie method is based on selectiye absorption of electromagnetic radiations buy the sectors of the suspensions with yarious density. The concentration of nanodiamond particles in a sus-pension was calculated depending on the density of nanodiamond particles. tliat was determined on the portable density rneter of DMA 35 N as function of time. It is shown tliat optical density of 1% of water suspension during 2 hours diminished front 3.835B to 1,5345. So the concentration of nanodiamond particles changed front 0.37 to 0,15%

By means of photometrie method kinetics of sedimentation has been studied for 1,0 % of the water suspension of nanodiamond powders (Specification ACYfl99) depending on linie and temperaturo. It is shown tliat with the time inereasing there aro reduction of optical density and decreasingof the abovc mentioned nanodiamond particles concentration in the water suspension. Wlten hcating the suspension an optical density (absorbancy) goes down and speed of aggregating of nanodiamond particles inereases. reducing stability of nanodiamond powder suspension.

11:40    Polish Research Projects


Charactcrization of nanomatcrials accortlingto EU rccom-mendations, on the csamplc of ZnO nanoparticles

A.nna.S.wi.dsiska^.Smda' ■ Jacek Wojnarowie/.2. Witold Lojkowski2'3


Polisli Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Pressure Physics (UNIPRESS). Sokołowska 29/37, Warszawa 01-142. Poland 2. Instytut Wysokich Ciśnień PAN (IWC), Sokołowska 29/37, Warszawa 01-142, Poland

e-mail: annas@itnipress.waw.pl


After moro tlian twenty years of basie and applied research. nanoma-terials and nanotechnologies started to be widely used in commercial Products. In the Consumer Products Im entory tliere aro currently listed


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