
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Cracow University of Economics

address: ul. Rakowicka 27 31-510 Kraków, Póland phone: +48 12 293 54 25 (ax: +48 12 293 51 45 e-mail: studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl

Cracow University

of Economics

(Network of International Business and Economic Schools), EMBS (European Master of Business Studies), UNECC (University Network of the European Capitals of Culture), Alexander von Humboldt Association.

develop their professional qualifications. Internship options. The intemship can

take place

during summer months in a company

in Mand

- mostly in Kraków but offeis can also comt

i from other

cities like Warsaw, Katowice. The ava

lilability of

intemship will depend on the possible mali

:h between

the studenfs skills and expectations

and the

requirements of the company.

The University and its campus. CUE founded in 1925 is the largest school of economics in Mand, and ihe third biggest uniseisity in Kraków, which is the main Polish academic center. The number of students currently emolled at the University exceeds 23 000. Univeisity 17 acre campus is located in the vicinity of historical medieval Old Town of Kraków, and is easily accessible both on foot and by public transportation. In addition to the main campus in Kiakow, the Universiły also has Remote Teaching Centers in different aties of the region.

Student life and services. A number of organizations and student associations are active at the

Covernment, the Independent Students Association, AIESEC (International Association of Economics and Commerce Students), ESN (Erasmus Student Network), SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise), the Univeisity Club of Ihe Academic Sport Association, Dominanta Choir and many morę. Cracow University of Economics gives priority to sports at its campus. Students have access to a largo sports gym, swimming-pool, tennis courts and a sports field. The Academic Sports Union (AZS) offers a number of sports sections including popular team games - football, volleyball or basketball, or more „exotic" ones - shooting, riding or Capoeira.

International cooperation. The University has a number of intemational contacts. Presently, it has about 200 partners across the world and cooperates

Europę, both Americas and Asia. It offers exchange programs through Erasmus, CEEPUS, EMBS, Direct

Entry, Ministerial an

d Governmei

ntal scholarships or

bilateral agreements

. CUE offers

study programs in

English on bachelor

. master and

PhD level. CUE is

a member of many networks and

associations such as

EUA (European l

Jnieersity A:

isociation), NIBES

University's research and teaching infrastructure indudes: IT Center with Computer labs and Internet access, e-learning and Vrrtual Science Center, Main Library, University Publishing House and Printing Center.

Study levels. Cracow University of Economics (CUE) offers programs for all levels of study both in Polish and English: 3-year Bachelor studies, 2-year

addition, CUE offeis various study opportunities at the post diploma level designed for candidates who already hołd a university degree, but wish to further

Fields of study in English:

•    BSc Corporate Finance and Accounting

•    BSc International Business

•    BSc Applied Informatics

•    BSc Product Manager

•    MSc Corporate Finance and Accounting

•    MSc International Business

•    MSc International Finance and Accounting

•    International Master of Business Administration (MBA) European Multicultural Integrated Management

® PhD Studies in Economics, Finance and Management (EFM)

•    Business Studies (Certificate)

•    Polish Path

•    Preparatory Course

Facts & figures: fstablished in 1925 • 746 academic stad members • mer 21 000 studentsalmost 500 loreign students Contact: ul. Rakowicka 2731-510 Kraków, Mandphone: 48 12 293 54 25, +48 12 293 54 71 • fax: +48 12 293 51 45 • studiainfo@uek.krakow.pl, admissions@uek.krakow.plmvw.uek.krakow.pl



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