Paweł Chorab
Paweł Chorab
LNG-s |
LNG-m | |
Deadweight capacity DWT [t] |
67 900 |
62 700 |
Length overall Loa [m] |
290 |
275 |
Length between perps Lbp [m] |
275 |
260 |
Breadth B [m| |
48.1 |
43.4 |
Moulded depth H [m] |
27 |
26 |
Mouldcd draft T [m] |
11.7 |
11.95 |
Volume of cargo tanks VH [m'] |
135 000 |
130 000 |
Yolume of ballast tanks VB [m’] |
63 000 |
46 000 |
LNG-m - LNG carricr with membranę takns LNG-s - LNG carrier with spherical tanks
- determine the probability of ship safety risk and its duration during ballast exchange in specific weather conditions,
- dcfine possibilities of reducing thc risks by altcr-ing ship's course and/or specd. or possibly the change in the seąuence and number of simulta-neously emptied and refilled ballast tanks,
- search for an optimal seąuence of emptying and refilling in given operational conditions (ship's speed and course, weather conditions),
- determine an optimal ąuantity of ballast water (including the number of tanks and their loca-tion) needed to ensure ship safety in a given operational situation.
One of the modules of a Liąuid Cargo Handling Simulator is the ballast module referred to as Ballast control system - Lim and valves. The inclusion of this module in the Simulator eąuipment puts its software in compliance with IMO model courses for tankers: IMO 1.35 LPG Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling, IMO 1.36 LNG Tanker Cargo <£ Ballast Handling, IMO 1.35 Chemical Tanker Cargo & Ballast Handling.
Two examples of ships with essential informa-tion on the simulation of ballast installation opera-tion on LNG carriers are given in table 1.
Table 1. Main particulars of selectcd LNG-s and LNG-m carriers [7]
Tabela 1. Dane techniczne przykładowych gazowców typu LNG-s, LNG-m [7]
The LNG-s ballast installation consists of: eight portside tanks: BS1P - 2055 m3, BD2P -3594 nr. BS4P - 2379 m3, BD5P - 4238 m3, BS7P - 2706 nr3, BD8P - 4262 nr\ BS10P -2462 m3, BD11P - 2108 m3;
Fig. 1. Visualisation of the ballast installation of an LNG-s carrier (spherical cargo tanks) [7]
Rys. 1. Wizualizacja schematu instalacji balastowej gazowca ,.LNG-s" (sferyczne zbiorniki ładunkowe) [7]
Scientific Journals 25(97)