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At iIk* mhiłnloiy synapso. Cr animator subiJjnco r«4cavedhy .m tmpitltc mcrcaics pcrmcabfliry oc tho pocttynaptic membrano to Cl".
Resultant ntf iorw curroni llow ćs irt a dirc\tKin that Ictsds łri dcpot.iri/e tho jmstsyraptk coli. II drpolan/alion ro.u hos firm# fhrcshuSd. an mjtulsc is ncnrrjfod m the postsy raptu coli.
Whcn impuls* rwchw thccxcitjtory ty nap: k bciueon. it cautot releatc cii a trammittcr tuhsuncc «nto tho \y raptu, cieli. Tho% inooaten pcmK\ib<liry ci tho poetty ruptoc membrano K> Na * and K * Moro Na * mmm into tho |M»N>n.i|>!if celi than K* movr* out <Kk* tr>£f<\iKf cSoctroc hemical padicm,
Currrnt llow and potential c Kingo
Kmufunt innie currrnt llow i* in tho dircction Cond* to hyprrpoLifi/c tho poutynaptte ccłl. Tłm rraŁes riepolanzafion by ctcrtatcey synapso* moro cfiwkuh—moro drpolari/aftion it roryjirod to rcach lho throshnłd
IsWl Hfi Chemical Synaptic Trartsmission Synapfcc transmrtsion may reWt n ołthor occ t.Ucry or mhtt>«ory etfccta at the po$tsynap<»c membrano. In exc*tatory transmeson flófi). o depotartaog change m locał pot cni Uli (oaotatory postsynopbc potentat: EPSP) ts producod In inhibitory transmtsson (rigtrQ, a h)perpoŁv>ang charge m local potonttf flrhWory postśynaptc potentat. IPSP) o produood An actcn potentat occurs whon tho torrporol and spalał summation d Vxal potootaH roachos tho throshoW lor
Currrnt llow and potrolial eKinge