Equcrtrian Club wu linclu Cor«ki'» topie whlfh beki brr audlmcr'* attmtion as •be prrwiikd ber aher dinnrr speech durlng un ull-scbool conferencc.
A* rrthrr »prakrr* lUimrti allrntivcły, Dutcb Krrksira prrsmtrd one of hłs many monologua In the Campus iJillr Tbraler
Speech Is one of ilic most necessary and important mcans of communicallon that ihe human race utllizes. Correct usage and skill In the various methods often creates a problem to many. F.xpressing oneself Is not lite casy task It seems to be, al least on the surface. Speech Club was fortned to cnablc Interestcd stu-dents to take advantage of skilled supervision In lmprovlng the technlques. Students would mce! and practlcc together, preparing lor the main cvcnts: the speech mects licld bet w cen scvcral schools. Many categorles were cxplored: comedy rcading, after dinner speeches, orlglnal monologucs, prosc, poetry, cxtcmpor-aneous speech CS, and radio broadcasting. Intercst in the dub was cultivated by special programs presented by the members for the other students. Ali three buildings particlpated actlvclv in the speech events, and students developed talcnts that will be remem bered for a long timc.
NORTMWKST SPEECH CLUB. FRONT ROW: Donna Bulów. I)avc lluil. I).ivr Schulz. HollU Rutkowski, linda Ollman. SKCONI) ROW: Carolyn kutney. Mary B«h McCowau. Cali Mortrnim. Pam Scbwrr RACK ROW: Crrmalnr Krugman.
Cali Yram. Karm Tuuick, l.ynnr Yraics, Karm Kupc/ak. Mlkr IIuli. Mlkr Schurr. Nancy Zwcck. Kich Avelis. I.ynne Klckhob. Lturrl lloman, Advbor Mn Spctdi. Run Smith. Dean Dinnrlla. and Bonnk Iloldcrob.