Cross Country team members exhibited many

S<rtving Hard lo llniih for Rirhards. Kon Deason pul forth a łasi Hursl of sperd lo cross ihe finlsh llne before his opponenl

During the summer one was Itkcly to liave scen many of the sturdiest athlctcs running Just about cverywhere at all hours of the day. Thls was the Harold L Kichards Cross Country team practicing for the 1.9 to 2 mile coursc planned for them at a series of dlfTicult niects. The season hegan in the latter part of August and endcd in latc October wlth many well carncd vlctories. Kichards' runners tanie in first at both the Crete- Mońce and Unlvcrsity High Tournaments. In the Tłnlcy Park In-vitations, runner Kon Deason placcd 12th out of 84 other stu-dents from 28 schools and rcccivcd a medal for his achłeve-ments. In the South Suhurhan League, one of HIJCs team members camc in seventh out of 35. Coach Kcn Kudła worked hard with both the sophomore and varslty teams. Energy, hard work, linie, and much effort were mixed in a włnning combination at the meets. A fourth place in conference was the result of their efforts.




49. . . .


Oak Lawn.............


36 . . .


20. . . .




37 . . . .


27. . . .

. Thornton..............


21. . .


Thornton Kractlonal South. . .

... 64


. . . Unlvcrsity High.........








VARS| TY CROSS COUNTRY TKAM. FRONT ROW: Mlke Cox, S«eve Banan. Waync Klrk. Kon Deason, Kay Lazzara, |)ave Balija, Jim Kuggin BACK ROW: Manager Fred Koontz. John Moorc, (Jary Wcllcr, Warren Kuh. Fred Slang. Bill Ailyn. Don Kłner. Bob Swedko. and Coat h Kudła.

m w



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