Spiłmliii drcorallon* Mipplki! hv thr Campus Musk Department Wrrc part uf llir frsiUillo thut madr llir CłiriMm.is Concert a turem.
Ohrislmas scemed (o bring a linie of good will and cłiccr. and also an inercasc In ihe acmities hdd. Aniong ilu* lraditional evcnts of HI.K during ihe season were ther conccrts licld by ilie Musie Department. The Christmas Conccrt was licld at Campus on Decem ber 21. The band and ihe Concert and Treble Cłioirs combincd ihclr muskał lalcnts to present a program ol beautilul and entertaining songs ol the season. A surprise visllor paki a vlsil to the program for the first tlinc lliis year. Santa and his relndeer arrłved complete willi sleigh and goodies.
Ali thirteen of the languagc clubs at the threc Imildings joined elTorts to present a special Christmas Party, held on Deiembcr 22. Members of the clubs and llieir guests danced to the musie of the Tlmclcss Moods.* Kacli club also donated refreshments In the euisine of the particular country A new lnnovation In the annuals of the languagc clubs was bom.
Sln^inK by Camllrli^ht. timlrr llir dtrrcilon ol Mr (-ci*, thr Coorcn (tholr addrd to thr ^*ilrtv of the 1967 f .hrUtftta* hmmhi
Prmiilin^ drli^liilul niii%ir at ihe <!hri\ima% CaiKjIrlight Conccfl In Dncmhrr |iim octf ul tiir (lotuen Band* under thr dirrctMi ul Mr (.honnon