A pa|x*r is folded. a book is closcd . . . and iluis the year mds. I lu* momentary clalion will lado however, and tlic* niemo-rles rcmain. Thoughts ol thr ftrst liulldog football vłctory In the* gamę against Kisenhowcr and ilie* dancc ihal niglu lo celebrate ll . . . ilu* psychedelic homecoining and ilie lingę II o wers hang* Ing Irom ihc* ceiiing . . . cndlcss lines in the cafeteria and the* incvitablc commcnts . . . waiting for buses . . . talking ai the lock er s . . . ilu* iirsi altem |>t ai a somersault on ilu* trampolinę . . . (Mirisimas decoraiions . . . long hours of studying for the imał . . . i lic* last-minuic prayer . . . The (*ryan‘ Shames Con-cert . . . angel hair and Mars hanging overhead al ihe Turn-aboul . . . ineasurcmenl lor caps and gowns . . . the prom. And then, a Im osi too quicklv for realizatlon, the year was over. The worrlcs, ilu* hard work, ilie eflbrt and ihc lun of the four ycars were suinmcd up in ihe łeelings ol the seniors as they reached ('ommcnccment: the licginuing.