
During ii l».«rul rrhrant.il, |nlui Wlnslow w.nirtl patirntly lor cilrrttion* u» In-^in pl.iymg his ba as.

to improve H. L.

Richards musie program

The magie of the Muses was not lost to the students o! II LR. Thls ycar the three schools gave thein the opportunity to takc a wldc variety of musie courses. A new direetor for the band. Mr. Channon. came to Campus thls year and wrought many changes. Tłic band accepted invitations to play at Norlhwestcrn's Uomccoming and in the Columbus Day Paradę. Iwo students front our school, Pam IIlekcy and Pat Dillon, received stale-wldc recognition in baml conipetition. The choirs and bands at all three huildings gave their Christmas conrerts, already a part of the Richards' tradition. and lookcd forward to the Spring Concerl. Northeast's Concert chorale, Northwest'* Madrigals, and the Varsity Singers front Campus joined the choirs. A Cap-pcila groups, and bands from the three huildings to perlonu at these. Rand ofłicers Pat Dillon and Kelłx Azamar, and Choir officcrs Mikę R rew ster and Sharon (*alvin aided the directors.

Clarinrt player* Klt/aUtli 1'ctrrton and Maurern Stlilkora *(rovł loward per-(reting (Ikrtr plaving and musk-rcadlng skills.

Kangr and Innr trebnlcjur* wrre praetked by (i*en t.ullk a* ibr l«H»k part iii the Iryoul* lirld a ller thr Mininirr varatl»n




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