Talclng ber temperaturę, Mr». Schulu checked if Beverly (.arsen had a fever


Imrnfory was taken In the nurses’ ofTice at Northeast by Sue Brady and Pal Barton, whlle Mrs. Riehardson instrucled wbere cach thing belonged.

Nurses proyided aid for ailing students

Simplc first aid technkjues were Irarnrd by one of Mrs. Middaugh's student aldl, linda tepore. as she carefully bandaged Bill Ccorgen '% badly Injured wrtst.

Mrs. Evclyn Middaitf*łi    Mes. Majorie SchuTlz

Mrs. Neli Kichardson

As nurse at Campus II, Mrs. Mlddaugh instrucled Maura McNatnara how to carefully take Pani Stanciks temperaturę.




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