CAMI'1'S SAI.K.SROOM STAFF: Chris KrJncckc. |un Wustnk, Cotinłc Tongrai. and Advisoi Mr Farslry.
The maintenaner crcw consistcd of twentyfour men and wom-
en, who cooperated completely willi all student* and facully. Sonie of ihcir jobs ineant emptying 17!i garbagecans and swecp-Ings over iliree iniles of liallways eaeh day. Hcsides performing regular duties. ilu- niainlenanec crcw answered cniergcncy calls, fixed broken loekers, and cleaned np aller soek hops. Ihe enlire crcw, nnder the supemsion ol Mr. Art Ncwhouse. performed the endless eliores with clieerfuliiess and clficicncy.
Salcsroonis at tlie tliree II.L Kichards buildings were ser-vlced by a stall of eleven girls and lfirce boys during zero and nimb periods, as well as during eaeh lunch period. All sorts of ncccssary supplies could be bouglii at the salcsroonis. froni paper and pens to safety goggles lor the students in the indtis-trial arts program. Ii was also used as a tickct Im>x ołTice lor plays. football and basketball games througliout the ycar.
NORTIIK/\ST SAI.KSROO.M STAFF: AdvO«ir \lr. Ilausncr. It.irb.tr.i Andrnon, Sandra Mrlandcr. In llardlr*. and Nancy Shcnnuh*
NORTHWEST SALKSROOM STAFF: Kcn Zlolkow»kl, Advl*.r Mr Schrmcr. and Mikr Furh.
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