M I Trała* In Trtn*.

JM lUrry Bai*NS^ o tra«mng arC*ip lUrnwI. Trxa».

f* In llaunll.

Iarfi.1 K Klich. AMMV\ for-

rty jol 1 Wayvn« ł« i*a •ła*|y.«il

Trału* in Truv

Yrrtbd.T. I.iu»n ** tmln-h ll$e inUMr> al Caa«>

la Ikpii la liaJi JHc Thro Jcnr* of Mr. and Mrv 1 H. J<**% uf Ca-nd!* t* *n »;n*j*'yiVfTvni drpot ił l:afj;

Donald MrPtorni^ uho is itrs

l«lc wlth thr naw in thr l^rlfir

hit K^rn prc<tw*l>‘t f*» ii«iumui'

tlMd c1a*ą.

Uut ulUr a Ul* pralkę he will U v<r> nic* pk<* u» Uu*b*urh *mi be *bW> (o rrlu n lo hi* kamer Jl bc*u to <•( a ptlitm U> put H ca

Ci Ir. . S o u Cify p*ck**£ :»hen I grt b*ck to Ow *ut*»

U    •>    • *Umx uf the boya n*ht *km«

■ » -    I am r^tC    kK*k to lk* ł»t*^ on

l«    ncMrr    rtM.    Jiwłaiion.    Kapę mj fc^mb-r *.!!

___-    - COWJ- up hclocy king *

i Cpi BalUngrr irU* thti many orf L.    —*    • ] .thr l<»>> hi'»' monkro* and pir-

Ifr ' ^    J nK» f*x {iH«

L    |L! ^ I    I i *\%V *»)l * {A'tvl    het*

Kij    TJ    ! !in H* r^ti.tjip.m^ l«vit ii •> wól k«>

' I |in“ *•* w iS Ht ^ " n •“•PI*

I - *    !>ir    '    **■" ttt u* li'* ftbilu*

^^ShW,i    iWŁ    I i im Ih- i *>t ii aik.' mw)U' rn \i )i’4r

[L    V i    v bc fcuit łupp)

NS30 Rirłilrr u ho mvh«l "Ml    of dru

ii «' .Ijuki^Firt'!. Art/ ivr« «prro1nvi^Mtr>«ig at Dou^-Anr . a.r frlil lir w«t brr ar**k u itłi» hu parrnM. Mr )lr* J%ihn 0 n*n*Irr o# nmr >*r ivi Irfr, Su«iafda> !'«^ tt_» iiiian l.i. bnr**irr «• pOoi t    furMiT piartr



TIh* i i*r<»-n-rafmiiic *anv cd Mn. Aha IVtrr* uf mr Nor. foflL *• ‘IłosaldlC Tur Sc lu/an-ti)iru'ti ifi New Guttra tatr imiyj iln. ivim ‘iv g*rl v>p uuiłd

mml liki* i** hatn |if*i»*rr car

mrs* • \ru! ■nUrt^ in Franm havn rfli«iy*.1 Mn łVi«W rhrk*

(*pł. Punt.t! Birmun nl Ita*• In

Or»*k. urtl-% Irrcu    <hLhra

tn»r i*nu|» g>rla arr ' »urll lc«r

UnMirn: "onrak. t*/i ihr *>UKkr*»

*1) ło a aWrf*    »* iftra^r

haa MrtT.ujti TL' )«M*h I*** r«m-




fsom    -

. tATECAASA L PftC^£SVD« AT k PQ:HC6TON m Hf#B WSHEO ^ CAMegę^.^ss

Ur% lUu! CHN»m Ani f.mily. 6r*. 'sanday but ke*k d-nner

CmM Wi^hhoC Mm Ann* Luk- EU* lUrrfrr aiul *WH l bfntPdt V( and Mt* ł n^Mti M CUiaw^ Ocm Luhbertterft and fa.^. > .rf y •)«#, i IV Jonu* Matro ramiy htd Mr. oni Mr» W tr O,^ ,4 <\>n- Sunday .a\l    <Lnnrr in ibr

cr** thr W II V.*>rr .ad rJo-r llmon Shurt Famę at Plair Mr% Mrycr fanul.e*. Mr truł Mr (Sfwri u Mr. Kabm t rnoi'<rr Kiat Lubhrm*#*)'    avl Ytr*- Mr a od Mr*. Koy Sfwa-. L©c*

!oy loittor' rdt ot V. jk*f—l ątuj 1-rRoy iprni Nn» Va«rl «r

—-------- -At Frank tx»*e » L01 im IrRoy

--.•i*> «»**d at Erttfnd .u«v»n a.

Mr ani Mra H«c#ord kyi.and K-ihon rnu-TwO Munda> lait •ank to l*te Mome* aller v**mnu J H *p*hr* and othrra hem.

; Mr ani Mr* Kotrr. Brraer of Thr Fred !(•«♦/ jr fim i> «{• m 1 Frr-jer Mr and Ma Herman ThcrnUk r\m.oc at Ln*m \c^- K<wrain of Ijarfw. nrrr ^ur. kanap*    !«^> »rrk dtrrwr gunu M

> W^rwn    •

<*n> II Rrvirr jf CarruL. *<»« a Tjr*da> Uof U nnar at Gco. Krg-«f 1 Mr* Lr* S*.a-=•> rryj Br**> «r„ at ftrafr’*

•M Mr* I.*, Ibrr tm*

y .««i unrk d.nr*rr at 'ino

Ib Ma

I rftcr-

Ihra far larluuch

(V Jim l^uif u no u ftiatmnrd at Jndiamoau Cap Pj . 1* brr tprnd.nc a iNdav furV»c* ułth hi* mfr ind rh|Wlm> Ifr arrfrd la»1 urrk 7N*r*d»

T>^ i»rm> n.«n «'wn! at thr ) Ir rato to rx|ot*** appTOnaiMKi for mconing *hf n» per

rt* pn-Ułh' arr *nrl|

V ws* W i>v «hvnn.rr wm fn^it Fraw, Mul itr and tu* Isd-dm H Arumd a l»Mlr iimr •n a ih ll lncn d^pot (hat h«ar«J »hr coW. nMrf n'or»u» ram. tu m-py *omr Nrtatki ctuckm ran-

rrd by Mr* fVirrv Thr mm rr«di. rti ran *»f r*»K-krn nnil rn)o>^t3 łhr mail tir .tut: fuJ pMdrn *bA;u,n frtrd < *>Khrn 'Sr uorV) ha« c\rr vrn“


r.*prr**r* AiymUUu.

Otu* Rainl tftio p «for«Wg a lra\i‘H*atJi h.* ujf# m Miiaok aft-cr onint nuli. thr ampmtmiu* form* i*v rurtign* fur arart) a )*«r rxprrauto af^«at*on for rwtv-*ng thr lłrml.t Hr «*i aNanl a Undinc craft Infantry and nut troop* and »uf)f><*4 a^orr m Fratur m I>-day Jtmr ^ Thr wy man will go to Norfolk. V'a. aftrr hu lra\*.

IMrnrr of W.rułdr łlr .1 «.th thr U rUra trmm MUUpphim alr mrp* and hat a Nett York ad- Fntn lomnUrr* m thr FikSp.

pinr* f>i Wrndrll RalLr^T^ l*i-

—I morfy of WoynrJ i*• .Mr ani!

• rafłou ta %c*nrtaad    ; Mn Hnbffl Aum-t th*t *hw |«

,P\t M#Imu A. Johnson orturdi"mhv rxr.Utraci snasnd r. ?*•

Ułt n*rk 5Aondt> r^rnina fn:«it|Qvtr of Ir-* |«ut| »r hn\r V* n

fW Woftm. Tr* Bhd <łtrt! a' fuchy w lar Somc gn tjjrt km

ff»c -M ixu--hall <U> UcŁay 1 o-, unl lian w*u u    rui «*pt<t

rU-> «o Oort Mradr. Md m hu ihal •

pkr*fira! Anrfm .>ohh«. fiotur. Ik i*«tp I    »*n ** rr

H nrrf /«Itcci iced Front Prison Camp

Oarl% rr.ttm by U? L* Borr- |

|| Canning Au«pi»t 19 fronrt a Crr- , phn |-rW*ą rat** rrachrd hu W:fr

KI v.nr*»* h»vr pi*1 brfmr ]

Th. yrnjng min %auf hr U u HI A/d .« r»*u grllmc Iihrly dj** t<* rftt.ng many poui-for* and hating l.ttla raamtr HollrM.V hum.rmd that thr umthrr had hrm ijuir nim and hr harf •*.!    ^•n"‘

trndrd a |>U> An rarimr carr! (oto that IN- mm I-d b**o atłouud c*j\ ! rT«»™,ł of iSr f^nrrd and yun-ruardrd | Vrrm\ rWjfr l**ur nv»vK *o co lukm-    1

minc *n uatrr nrar thr ramp YvfOVfvr I uhnh .• n wlrm Omuny    ,rł

Mr* Rrrrrly CarvJnc rmmtly N« mthrt Kud » In im frm |u 5*<1nrv Wp*«r «T * N- a •if VI. »nmu> »r^#4 *v m«*n * hu Ml -1 hu.l *.«m u th lu Canr^i! oni ^rr **

Norlhcasl Wayne

(By Staff rompctoatl

Tu lUnrral Kitu*.

lir i». ) yi' Hrrrrin Mr. and Mn Frank |tnidi;nix Mr and Mr* Wdl Rrud.eam of Wiktwt Mr pni Mn FiwJ Ar\rr-rr-an and Ml tml Mn. Ilar\ry Amrrrr.m «rf Wimith. tnnr ,n Han*nc« ^ Tur*d^> afirrnr»«n to Ai tr«*d funt fal o ^ f<*r \lrv Oorgg l|.**M*tf*ur. jrT IV. aro pa—1*1 a».’V UnrmMr 219 *n a

Far Fint Blrthday.

Nfr araj Mr* F itv 1.1!**-•*»nil minrtaimM at Nr** Y.*ar • ifumrr for *hr l*t ŁurtMs) of thr*. *w ił*r>    faiMt aru- Vr and

ipm* Sur»ta> af'rrł*xoi .a*i %• rrk at iSr hocrr nf Mr and Mm .Mn ai thr C. L. Nrl*on hr1r Win- f>liman Thr uomm *prn» ’Nr udr    ,    lafitmcjon tytng lap ydhr* for tKr

\Lu !.>£•» and M.u Mmmr^nrd <>m* Anothrfr CCNrrrd dhh Wrur»trwr urrr.Sanday afirr* Idiruwr *i»tn hu.tar.Jt a* gorat*ji* r»*m    »*t un*k at Aaua 'piarwud Frhr^afy 1 Mr and

Echlmkninp*    |Mr* ^ L ffark.

Th.    • amon* i    -—

f\>r u .n • 1 h»* l.kyr- lAA»:ant»Hlt J U Wjrrm flory of hrttf.

iw Nr** Y.*t * Ud f<r Gary rru%*.-a '«ncr Ckjiobrr S. Is rrpon-

flar* ta »U*tia«*

Pff Lrfloy Sund «nn 10 |f**t i«C* Tur*da> »o -rrpon for >lvty 41 thr runal airr*mn.i^m «Sep>t th*nr TTr łm»rim* »irnt n ..••«. h.*rv w.in tu jun nU. Mr ond Mr* U W Sur.l afrrr srmn. m ilu •• •;.* IhKM* Ti trrinlha

f*.n*%* Lr*urun fami-o r«n*u ,n

Uk ^jfk**( !ka:iin» 1 lania

\*r* / Fnin^iui Vli!f ind d*agh?rr* *|<ht UH Tk.ruby

alirrmam at Harry UkfFi

Mr* l*r*nkUn Fkt» *M itatlgh

♦nmny .mturrrd W*hłla> ••!-

r Ul ln< faul fv» f*arthor ui.rt!

Iav» ruth ItknU*

'5. Sc* rtruna* H. La.uch. fy. abl

•! iui(vr uf .Nntnuy. . ooy t<A~. har«s> »hro a nui ahr!l rv .ir*« pf-Ak d n**ar tum dut^* tlw UUih f.am of Normand), a na^*,l> .(I,t U j. da> Sc<    u «n « bank-! ina«

lt’x Ton Cold to SU Out on thr Roadsidr and WihIi You Had !’rena red Your Car for Winter — i Do U Today!

■    iAnio* *• fcfiAtPT nett 1 |MM»k T*> -ua> oyrrung »iakn

■    1

Wayne, Nebraska Sales Pavilion

Tuesday, January 16

Sale Starts at I;30 Sharp








PNooe 486

Buy Bond* Today

Wayne, NeNr


Is Your Equipment in Shape?

Better look it over today and order repairs. Don’t chance a break down during thejush seaaon.

I    .»    • *f •    i ,■ |

.1/c€Órmick-Deering Machines and Repairs

* I * I    I I



Meyer & Bichel


a Mr and Ml    no* R*i»**-.

Slaiad chddrrn. Mr a-.| Mr*

■    i Mryrr and Mr ar* 1 Mr* ltarvr> |

S' t*ip»-K»r Wtrir Kar Y<fcr‘t €*9 ;

■    a! I »n*«i fltanw-ru.

a i AnnMiu uclam waa a lal werk j »* Honday and TYimday merTuct’* | •

JlHrithołd »a* a la*t »w*( Mnnd*V

!'nvrnu«ht nn* of Wi!h«r HtiP | • hołd.

■ I Mr and Mfi fWlm SkMrfl »r.d ' I jchOdrm orf Sdnnr Oty. aprmt lrat | ■ •n k ?*alunM> and Sun*!a> at K , 5 V ShłrUb' 'fV a^d Mn Mafk • ■ Stnncrr and M*n %*rrr *bu Nun-J di.\ a?trrtv*ofi iliMdn.

- M- and Mm Gira Kwarto a*d fam.ly and Mr, and Mr* R«iy lun dani-rr a*J fntnjly of Cartnlf. Mr I and Mr* Gt**i SwricarU and • daughtor »t«rt| Nr*\ Yr^rb <*c *n * ) t*w» Chrt* Jorcmrn hdrnr

Mr and Mr* FrH Ar*rnnan I *»ruJ Mr *r.d Mr* IUrvry Ar*.r-Vvin of \\.n.«V Mr .«r«S Mr* bdl I iBWtdltam and wm* Wwmre. Mr. <and Mr* Frank Bodgim and IfamRy. Mr and Mm M P+*>-' .son and Ruth orf ('arndt. wrer |N*w Ynar * mfto Met«rr f»jmt* at I I limrum    a

Mr and Mm laujśa May^r and ‘ family w U«\ w* Sundayt^jtofs tA iho FUn Moll* rmn >**■*.• Mr aY.| Mm FJmrr 1 Ertclum of North Dakota. .Mr ind

i Mm Fd Ahlmtr and Mr* Anhor fmłfy wer* UH e*an*nr v«tUw%

kota folk* ara

1owt> IUh4l ani * tutnny

Drefhu    ihnr v*ithń»>*

kał Sunk> wtem the M.lu* Dmctwi W*.- y ^ AB<k.f si iun


f »lrbr»te» tllrtWtey.

Mr. .m Mn c«« Kn-wr, Ant-l*. Me,vln. Kmauth and LaVoob*| Al>d Mn Hmua Knwnrr, T*y« l yean and <±n*yyy *1! <>f Cnnenrd I PH Ibll Krawnre. Mr. and Mn- l

25 Head of Outstanding Belgian Horses

TEAM STRAWBERRY ROAN MARES, 4 yeari old. wt. 36W>. In fo«l to Peloraino ttallion. Broke for m gooó frrd team.

TEAM SORRF.L MARES. 6 y*»r» old. wt. 3000. Broke

f.ed te.m.

»«ry good and TEAM SORREL MARES, 5 ahd « years old. wt. 33B0

Work aay placr

DINGS, 3 and 4 yaara old. wt.

TEAM ROAN 3100 Bro

TEAM OF SORRELS. MARĘ AND GELDING, 4 years old, wt. 3000. Gryen broke.

SORREL MARĘ. 9 yrars old. wt. 1600. Broke very


SORREL MARĘ, 3 yrs. old, wt. 1700. Broke to wock.

TKAM SORREL CELDINGS. 4 y«r» oM, wt. 2800. Good brokr to work.

TEAM OF SOKRELS. MARĘ AND dFJ.DINC, 6 .od 9 >ear» o!d. wt. 7900. BroJw Tery be«t.


SORREL HORSE COLT. 8 roooth. old.

PALOMIN!9cOLT. 8 montK. old.


TEAM CHOCOLATE SORRF.LS. MARĘ AND CELD-ING. 6 and 7 yrt. old. wt. 2900. Work «ny plete.

BAY BAU.FACE. GAITED SADDLE HORSE. 3 yr.. old. Weil broke «nd jentle

This is an exceptionally finc offcrinK of worlc horses, every one of them 011 the farm. I am sellinp them because I am unable to hire help. If you want to buy a KOod team of horses.. well brojceand with lots of color, don’t fail to att^nd this sale. Every horse wil l>e guaranteed as represented in the ring. A number of these mares are in foal to hitchcd they will l>e

nt salę barn one day^before


Cash or make, arrangements with Clcrk of Sale.


Winside, Nebraska

Troutman Bron., Auctioneers

State Sational Bank, Wayne, Clerk


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