V5TV), Ho. 5/ Kay W7



Vapor Prcssure of Ethyl Alcohol at Temperatures from 4 to 46* — K. P. Mishchenko and

V. V. Subbotina................................................. 1115 1156

Nuclcar Magnctic Resonance Study or tlio Sulfate Pulp Cooking Proccss — V. V. Kushchenko,

N. A. Karakozoy, and K. P. Mishchonko................................. 1116 1169

Condcnsntion of o-Mctliylstyrcnc wilh Formaldchyde In PreBenco ofKU-2 Catlon Exchange

Rcsln — V. I. lsagulyants, M. G. Safaroy, and D. L. Rakhmankuloy........•.......1120 1150

A New Method for Preparation of Trlmerlc Thiocarbonyl Compounds — A. S. Atavin,

A. V. Guaaroy, and V. A. Troflmov. ............. , . ....................1188    2168

Usc of lnfrared Spectroscopy for Study of the CryBtallization of Trlacetylcellulose

- N. V. Mikhailova and V. N. Nikitin..................................1125 1165

Synthesis of Cellulose Nitroethyl Ether — M. P. Kozlov, M. V. Prokof*eva, and

I. V. Katalevskaya...............................................1128 1167


Production of Chlorlne and Caustlc Soda — A. L. Rotlnyan........................1130    1169

Science Progress. Electrochemistry. Electrodeposition of Metals and Alloy* — Revlewed by

A. L. Rotinyan.................................................H32 1170

A. K. Slayyanskii. New Methods of Wood Pyrolyeis — Reviewed by D. V. Zheltukhln.......1134    1171

The Russian press datę (podpisano k pechati) of thla iaaue waa 5/6/1967. Publicatio.; therefore did not occur prlor to thłs datę, but must be asaumed to have taken place reasonably soon thereafter.

Availabie from Consultant8 Bureau



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