This survey is preparcd monthly from lists received through the cooperation of U5 govemincnt agencies and in-cludes universities, rescarch institutions, and conunercial translation organizations. It is a compilation of projects completed or started during the preceding month.
Translations are listed by area and subject category. Scicntific projects are grouped as a section regardlcss of geographic area. Title in English, author, foreign language title of sourcc of materiał, datę of publication, and publi-cation Identification of the completed project are given when available. Tables of contents of joumals translated cover-to-covcr are rcproduccd frora the current publications.
Projects in process, i.e., not completed as of the datę of this survcy, are noted with an asterisk (*), and when availabie, a project-control or "in-process" number is noted in parentheses following the title. Certain details may bc unavailabie on such projects. New projects in process are not listed again until they are completed.
An indcx to authors of items in this issuc is provided at the end of the survcy.
Scientific and Tcchnical translations are group accord-ing to the COSATI subjcct category list except for military science and ordnance items which are listod under "nilitary" in the appropriate geographic areas.