olhcr cpilhcls of thc goddcss Mantranatha are MantrinT, SacivcśT, Pradhańeś740. Thcse cpilhcts corroboralc that shc is a goddess who is a personillcation
of ihc act of dclibcralions or consultations on war, i.e., an act of consultalion
is lookcd upon as a form of Sakti.
11. Siddhis (supernatural powers) - Manifestations of the Goddess Sakti : Ten ‘Siddhi* goddesses (Siddhidcvyah) havc becn mcnlioncd.11 Thcy arc 4 Anima,* (supcrnatural power of bccoming as smali as an atom), 4 Mahima* (power of incrcasing size at will), ‘Laghima* (power of assuming cxcessive lightness al will), ‘Garima* (power of bccoming hcavy at will), 4Iśil5* (superiority), 4 Va£ila* (power of subduing others to one*s own wili), ‘Praplih* (power of obtaining anything at will), ‘Prakamya’ (freedom at will), ‘Mukti* (liberation),4 SarvakamS * (power of fulfilling evcrything or power of performing cvcrything).12
12. 4Siddhis* arc thc wcll-known supcrnatural powers obtained by thc ‘Siddhas* or 4Yogis\ Thcse supernalural powers have becn pcrsonificd herc and dcscribcd as goddesses. I( will be noted herc that normally ‘Siddhis*
arc said to be cight, bul herc ten ‘Siddhis* havc becn mcnlioncd.
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13. Powers of the Małe Gods - Manifestations of the Goddess Sakti:
The powers of thc małe gods, viz. Drahma, Maheśvara, Ku mara, Visnu, Varaha, Mahcndra, Camundcśvara and Narayana havc becn pcrsonificd and dcscribcd as BrahmT, MaheivarT, Kaum3rT, VaisnavT, V5rahl, MahcndrT, CSmunda and MahalaksmT rcspcctiycly.1*' Thcse goddesses arc manifestations of thc Goddess Sakti.
14. Mudras - Manifestations of the Goddess Sakti: 4Mudras' arc particular positions of hands and palms, practiscd in dcvotion or religious worship. According to thc Ghcranda Sańihita - III. 4, by knowing thc Mudras one attains all succcss, i. c., Mudras arc powers; and according to the passage in thc KulamuJavataraf viz., inocayanti grahadibhyo papaugham dravayantf ca mocanam dravanam yasmat inudrfi śastresu vamitś 14 - a 'Mudrś ' rclicvcs a person from thc malcvolcnt influence of plancls and dcslroys sins. This shows that Mudras arc somc powers and, thcrcforc, thc Lalitop&khy&na looks upon them as 4DcvTs* (inudra dciyah)15. For dilTcrcnl fonns of worship and for different Yogic pursuits, dilTcrcnl MudrSs have becn prcscribcd. The Br. P. II. 19. 11, 13-15 menlion len Mudra goddesses. Thcy arc - (1) Sarvasańksobhin! mudra (2) Sarvavidravinl mudra (3) Sarvakarsanakm mudra (4) SarvavaśańkarT mudra (5) Sarvonmadana mudra (6) Sarvamahańkuia mudra (7) SarvakhccarT mudra (8) SarvabTja mudra (9) Sarvayoni mudra (10) Trikhandika mudra. The names of thcse Mudras arc cxprcssivc of ccrtain acts which rcsult when thcse Mudras arc performed; c. g. thc performance thc Sańksobhini mudra can bring aboul cxcitcmcnt or agilation in all, SarvavidravinT mudrif can make all run away; Sanakarsanakmmudra can