faampus Briefs

The Ufestyling Program will sponsor a workshnp on coptng with the strrss associated wilh firwh werk. The "Lifestyłing Kir ais Wrrk Survival Kit." will be from 7 to 10

f' m. Thursday in General Classrooms Buikfang. Room 334. nterested person* may contact Scott Vierke. coordinator. at the Student Wełlness Resource Center. 112 Smali Group Houstng. or cali 536-7702

A presentation in whilewater canoeing and kayaking will be held at 8 p m Thursday in Pulliam pool. Ali interested persona are welcome.

The next scheduled meeting of the Carbondale Committee for Research lnvołvtng Humań Subjects will be Wednesday. Jan. 17. Ali propoaals to be rwiewed at that time should be received in Woody Hall B-12* no La ter than noon. Tuesday. Jan 9 Interested persons should cali Tandy Bump 536-7791. lor moce Information

The Plant and Soil Science Hub will meet at 7 30 p nr. Thursday in the Student Center Ohio Room Guest speaker will be Robert Stevenson from Hillside Nu* /ery Meinbership certificates wiU be awarded

Howard Olson. of animal industnes. has been in ited to atlend a Natioral Science Foundation workshop u ‘ And and Semiand Area Research Needs." inWashing' jn. D (\. on Dec 9 to 13.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy will present Suhir K Bose speakmg on "HardSphere Corisinnal Model of Chemical Reactions.”at 4 p m Kriday is .Neckers C 410 AJI are welcome

Robert Miller, a graduate of the [lepartmrnt of Cineme and Photography. has published an a. ticle entitled K’om Staffer to Kreelance Making the Transition." in the \ovember Lssue of of 'Dimerwion Kive "

JlM*lkM»ll IUIIIHmI iiw iiwMN*intc tlrnii

John S Jackson III. prafenor of polifteal actence at SIL. bas hem named an asaooate dean of the I ravervity'a (.raduale Schaol Jaka native of Waido. Ark . has been a tnember of the facułty smee IW# He is (ornie,- preaident of the (aculty senate and a rectprenf m 1976 ot an Amoco Foundation Inc (hJtstanding Teacher Award Jackson w a graduate of Ouctuta Baptiat College in Arfc*driphn. Ark He holds a master'* degree from Bay lor ('nnremty m Waco. Te* . and a Ph I> degree Imm Vanderb«lt l'mver»ity in Nashnlle. Tenn Jackson will begm hu dutiea as associate dean m January, aceordint to John r Ouvoń. dean of the Graduate School

( 4H>|> joint

for s|»rintf M^ion

TheKederal Govemmmt lummrr joh announcemeni* are now a i labie tn the reception area of the farner Klannmg and Klacemenl fmier. Woody Hall 9 3*4. or by ca lima Ihe lali free mimher at the Krderal Jnh inlormalinn Center *■> •rrj&M Thedeadlinr tofile to i.iKr ihe written trst which it rniuired łor cleriral summer (■oition* i* Jan 12. 1*79 The Norm Karm in Havana louking (or «opOomor« or juntors ma/orina in aunnillure »t*o woukf he mlemled m a cnoperaliee <di> a Iron v»ork esperience with tem Nprina semester

oiinCorp in Kast Allnn is lorking ' or Miphocnorr* or junior* majoring m mechniral engineermg ict hnotogy w ho woukj hr interested in a rooperatnre edm „non »ork npenence wilh them spring semeater

Inierested students may ran la cl M innie Mmmto. Career Planrung and Klacement Onier. Woody Hall H34 or cali 453 2391 (er nv«c in( or ma uon

Skttkie lupie uf lrrture

"Tołecanre on Trial The Jew* m Skok-.e" » the topac ot a colloquiuffl to be hrkl at 4 p m Throday m Kaner K"W Room 1326 Wdl.r • Hamrick. philoaophy profewo1 at Sll.'-Edwart*vilie, will lec turę on the recent nrotesu tn Skokie oy b>:n Jewr* and N»m The cnUoquium ta sponaorrd by SIC* philoaophy department






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Brozil Nuti $1.35 p«r Ib Wolnuts    or    5 Ib.

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