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Southern Illinois Unhersity

fhu'srfoy 0«.mb»- 7 »97fl vot 60 No 73


I hompson cJefcnris pav liike. blasts ‘llv|)0(,risy, of critics

Bł Bn6 Spnngrr \vimalrd Prm Writrr

SPKINGKIKLD <AP* - Ilia vmn sometimrsquivł*nng with emotsnn. Gov James H Thompson Wednesdav accased the puhfic. Presidrnl Carter and the press of nypornsy for crtUcizir^ hefty pay raises recently :ipproved for top State gosemment offmals

Thompson. w.muuicki) vrtoed the pay hike bill so >t could be overndden the same day by the Legislature. defendrd his aciion by saying he felt a couoerative fieneral Assembty m the year ahead oulweighed the public outrage he antiopatcd

"There are snmr limes m this job thai >nu ve jusl got to lakę the heat for u fiat you consider the greater good." said Thompson He said he wouid not consider actian aimed at repealing the pay hik.es

Lawmakers a wecfc ago approsed MMhhi a-year salary inc reases lor themsekrs. Thompson. other statewidr ełected officutt*. stat«    and most

top ageney heads The raises. expet fed to emt taxpa>em Sus millton a vear hike Thonif **» s sałary to SSa tino a year Up 16 percent Lawmakers' president didn t have his facts nght ' when he cnticired Illinois lawmakers Jast weekend for exoeeding his voluntary T percent wagę hike ceiltrtg Thompsor. said the raises accounl for an eight-ye/.r period - the four years sińce the last raises and the next four years

• And the public is a little bit hypocrilłcal ahout this issue too.” Thompson said "A lot of peopłe write to me (hal sa> Your raise is morr than I make in a year Weil. it s for a differeni job i.snt if*"

In May dunng his re election lampaign Thompson had said public offioals should forego pay hikes this year asasymhołof determination to keep the ci«st o( gov*rnment down "

(tassoys Ikr Ntan t Trow.il tattarttr stiooM aik (•#». Thoroptoo and the fegrslators how lo rat a deal for the mowł it needs.


"I thmk the fedrral govemmetit is coming dowrn a little hard on Illinois said Thompson,

The g«»vernor said I thmk the

MrMi Zomwalt. a    yfir fiat reportteg ttm4euU bwrłed kmftf ta Wr

taok» 'al a mam Ikar uk« ta Morris lilwry W«b«di.ł aflrmoee. Likrarł workers ant ki pole morę » ki lora Urna aaaal aa stadeau prrparr far arxl wrak‘a ftaal fuuaa. <Su(( pboto by Mika Gfbbat >

iSpeak-out'>planned to

(Jiri*tiuaH *|H‘cinl

Today s 32-page special section uf the Daily tgyptian contams Stones on Christ mas and the hołiday season. Included are features oo Christ mas traditions and how the hoftday a celebrated m other lands

B» Ana Conłey Staff W Mirr

A last minutę effort will be madę to sa ve the W om en s Transit Aut bonty at a speak-out" at 8 p m. Thursday in the Student Center BaUroom A kadiy Stathos. a member of the Womens Center, said the center has invitrd City Council Member Helen Weslberg. a Student Senate member. a C.raduate Student Council member and a representative from the Lniversity police to attend the speak-out and answer quesUons

Kathy Szymoniak. Womens Center president. will direct the meeting. and Palty Follansbee. a Rape Action Committee member. will represent the Women s Center

Stathos said the Women s Center is askiDg for S6.0UO. "We know we need a lot of support. and the admirustration is saying that it 'WTA * is not a worthwhile scrvice. Thcre s a myth out thcrc that someone will come through <with the money» Its not happening Co me Dec 15. the WTA » going to die *’

The W omen s center has been fighting for four months to keep the WTA going. according to Stathos Szymoniak said the group has collected a total of $1.720 sińce August

through a ąuilt raffle. which eamed $125. a Student Senate contnbution of $195. a Graduate Student Council donation of $500. an Illinois Public IntereM Research Group gift of $ioo and individual donations totalimg $>HM) dunng a button campa;gn The transit ser-.ice could have e.ided in October. but these funds lu;ve kept tł* van going untU now. Szym-mak said She added that the Women s Center is .»M $5(io in debt but that the WTA wtU continue its servłces through the rest of the semestr

Szymoniak said the l'niversit» of Illinois. Northern llhnms > mvers:ty and S*C at Kdwarrfscilłe 3II h3ve sonre sort of van service for students "Most major have taken ^ome kind of rape pa?vention progom.'* she added The Kederal Hureau of Investigation says SIC lus the highest occurrence of rape on Illinois campuses. according to

W • • •    • ■ uA

Rruce Swi-.iiurne. vice president for student affairs. said the WTA does not serve enough w omen and that because the Cnicersity bodget is tight this fiscal year the WTA is not a prionty He said that within the past seven years. there have been four transpnrtation svstems in Carbondale He added that ali have failed because of Iow rtdrrship Szymoniak said the average WTA ndership is 38 w omen per night "Most of *he p^^ople w ho nae the van are students and we feel the L*nversity has an obligatran.” she said

According to Carbondale Police Department statistics. stx rapes have been reported this year. Lt Terry Murphy of ihe Carbondale police said two reports were judged to be unfuunded. In ar-* case. he said. a suspect was identified. in another. a su spec t was 3 rr es ted and chargiii. another si^pect ts in c ust ody. and one report *s stul being investigated Szymoniak saia the speak-out ts designed to bnng out interested people

"I łhink that if there s enough tension the Cniyersity ls going to have to respond." she said The speak-out will be sponsored by the W om en's Center, the tiraduate Student Council and tb^* Student Alliance of Socialist Workers.

Brandt sa\s WTA sers es too few,


siiggests money be spent on lighting

By Joaa Yieriag Staff W riler

Saying he thmks tne Women s Transit Authority "isn t enough help to enough people." President Warren Brandt suggested in a recent interview that women and the administration meet each other halfway to help sołve the problem of rape

"In order for a program to be effectis-e. women and :he Cmeersity must be uiłling to meet each other halfway I can t see where the transit sennee ts helpmg the women !t serves on!y three tenths of l percent of the population on campus There are K.imu women on campus, and nnly ah«xjt 25 wtrnien a night nde the van.” Brandt said

Brandt said the money spent on the transit senice could be used to purchase belter lighting on campius. He aLso said he thmk.- the transit servtce doesn t prwsude an adequate soluhon to the problem ot preventing as saults

"I think women are safer walking through Thompp»oc Wood« • midmght tnan they are in their apurtments. accord’Tg to statistics." b

Brandt said he thmks women wouid be safer if tłv y walkeO in twos and threes and acoided dark areas. such as Thompson Woods. at night

He said there is a "tremendous discrep^ncy" between the number of rapes reported to the Women s Center and to the Carbondale and L mversit> police.

"There is about a 10- to 2&person discrepancy.” Brandt said. He said he thinks the Carbondale and lmversify police have "done a good job" in respondmg to calb concermng rape and ass^ult.

Brandt added that if students want to fund ihe WTA themsehes. it wouid be “ali nght" and he wouid have no objection.






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