International gifts offered at imisetini art galleries

Bf Mart MHirath hlwdrl Wrlter

The Museum and Art Gallerie* AssociaPon MAGA' gift shop. located m hanrr ;la11. sells a variety oInternational gifts vear round For the hntKt-iy seasoo. the gift shop has an arra> ó< tTir.stmas items from count ies as far awa> as Japan and Nigeria Kor instance the shop offeis Chnstmas decorations from Taiwan. Advent ca' -ndars from West Germamy and Knglish wrapping paper MAGA i* a non profit organ i za lian focnded m iy7t* to promowe the causes and programs of the SIL' museums and art galknes The gift shop. which is staffed b> tołunters donates its pr.>fits loward the <uquisition of works w •łrt and muM*um items

MAtiA which has 2"n members spnnv*o iiełd tnps and workshops or Southern Illinois area resadents. liOis Carnc. MAtiA president. said program- i -r children have beer offered this ser.u ster. mciudmg paper and |M-tnim.tkina basketn and art A course in draving for .• iu.ta ha- also heen ■j'otM>rr>1 -be '.•.iii t'.»rruT »i;d h« orga nirat mn ha- a

four-person committee which decides on the iłems to be sotd in the shop The souvenirs are then ordered from cataiogues with sources from around the globe. Thus, MA(iA can offer a tny Japanese climbing monkey and Nigenan wooden animals with real fur.

MAGA members. whose yearl> dues ra:*e from SS tor studenta to I5nó for a h/etime member. receive a 20 percent Cbscnunt at the gift shop

The presents to be purchased therc come in pnc«*s and forms as \aned as the countrirs from wh*ch they originated There is a tat mother pig from Kentucky *with attachmrnts for up to eight <uckling pigJetsi for $22. und a mortar and pestle from a W/tnam |iharmac> retails for 5/7 For those with less expensive tastes. ?. P>-rz-nt wooden flute w-ould nwłke a goud stocking -tuffer

Other otferings iiulude ..oodcareings and handmam* dnlłs from Carhondale craftsmen Anolher unique item rs a tap»*strs from Kctia^or

The MAtiA gift ><.op se*m> to h.iye just fhe IhtnS- to g»ve .inyonrs Chnstma* a !rtle interna!ion.il fla\nr

Y ule ligliting display reijuires nlmo-t 50 miles of wirinji

•% h.it


k;n>a> rm Mo Al# looks i kc seulir Sfki-n h.i> multio olored « hristrna> lighfs and iiraw*> hur.drnłs >; thousands of eisitar cai ii \«\ r

it s    l ity > Country Club Pław

w nr is ha:f ćentury traditmn of celebr ttmg »‘ie Christ mas season ł.. outlmmg tts spanish architecture with a spec tacie of nghts and cofor According to pla/a otfinals thi> year < Chnstmas lighting will -etjuire aimost 30 miles oi clectr;'a. wirmg thr"Ughout the nine -quar błock Plara • hopping distnct

The Chnstmas lighting began m IS25 with .i single strawi uf lights ahnr one >hn'<s doorway. ard Pla/a Npi*k«*swoman Calherine Reynolds heliCMS that it was one <»f tbe first outikior ChrMmas lighting displavs m America She gives cmiii for the idea to the la te Charles S Pitrat an executr.e of the J C Nichołs Company. devełoper» oi the Country Club Pla/a

Tbe lighting was so popular tha* nearhs residents began to place colored hulbs in front yard trees and



702 s. III.

0-3*30 moiisat

Leother glovest Boot toppars, Sok, Leg warmers
Scarvo and Hat sefs.

Zwicks for Chrisłmas




iittnded Chrlitmoi Hours open Thurj. fili 8:30 Sun 1-5 ps

PcKfe 4b Doiły f gyption December 7. 1978


\ i t i t 7



• I.A. Barber . Ic\'dcrs



For Mim

For Her

*    Jack Daniels Accessories

*    Desk Accessorie*
*    Gomes. incl. Bockgammon and chess

*    Shaving Accessories




Oift Ideat fr

•    Incolay Jewel Coses

•    Musie boxes

•    Jewe/ry and Jewelry boxes

•    Tote s

'Wind Chtmes

X*moi Wrepped Prmik

FreeOlft Wropplng •    457-2731

UnIwwrslty Mail



THURS. DEC 7 12 Nooiv5:30 p.m.




Val. to S24




We will be closed ril noon Tb irs. to dro^tically markdown for this spectocu' Tf sales event!

maili Street

e#:i s. im



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