Religion shares holiday card spotlight uith atiimal the mes
NET YORK (AP»—The resurgence of ntCTrJ in rHigtpus themrs. which sei ą trend m Ust yea. 'a Chnstmas greeting canta, continues unabated this season. acrordinK to a spot survey of the nation s ITreting card pubfishers l>Urły Ammcana. the culinary arLs and a vcnUbtr who s who in the ammal kmgdon rank as the most popular subject* for this years greetings. rłoarły foiknrrd by Santa as a marsthon nmncr instead of the joggcr he was last ycar
“Oinstmas greeMng cards generally rcfUct the tenor of the limes." said Harry j Cooper. execulive director o( Ute National Association ot Creeting Card f^ublishers.
‘The months ot negotiation pnor to the sum mit meeting at Camp l)avid focosed pubiic atlention on an International quest for peace In part his may account for many cards that rambine the themes of peace with the trsdibonal scenes of the Natnity " Commenting on Santa as a marathon man. Cooper said. "A vast number of Amencans are literally running away with thrmsełves Our national mania for maralhons bas Santa in thr. role. aKhough many pubhshers continur to dcp*ct him as an all-around sports buff " Stameae cats and kittens. raccoons and koala brars abound on grrrtirui cards On one. Santa drops in on a peaceable ammal kmgdon where. allegorically. the heasls of *. * fo^est live in harmot'
The tradilional staple of scenie, snów-clad landscapes contir- es n the linrs of many pubhshers These cards sell ejctremely well in urban areas, accordtng to ooper, who believes that city dwellers like them because the subjects evoke a remembrance. for many. of chiidhood in the country.
Home cookery « depicted in many sketches and paintings of holiday kitchen scenes This reflects current widespread interest in the culinary arts. several publishers beheve
A 'Mipreme Court ruling last vear that per nits physicians. lawyers and other Professional to advertise their services fm.fc many ci stomers in thss categnry ordenng persnnaliwd greeting ccrdś on which the r<ames of the sendtr is in>prin!cd
*>me physicians. for instance. wiP be sending cards on which they Im mcm bers of their staff or climcs with which ihey are associated
.Spanish language cards are abundan' in many urban areas. and carus designed specially for blacks reflect the •Roofs" influence and a strong sens*' of self identity. mdustry spokesmen no e
i ard twym ha ve tauod koala be*rs. modem Madouiu this year
Snoopy and frłead and other rartoon figurę* are popalar.
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