Star Wars’* lrms tykes or battle

iy Jim Steele iwdent W filer

The Korce will surelv oe with Santa laus this Chnstmas tnanks to tbe toy ndustry Don t look now. bul the futurutic cha rac ter* ot the niovie “Star ar*" have tnraded the ahelres ot area

partment storę* along with a number _______ _    ^ ______

other space-age gadgets designed to    jughlTo miss ile launcher. a

mu«* the youngster* on Cnstmas Day . u t\~.7nr tnr- A,na ,ni,r Next to the ołd favontes Uke Monopoly    mlZL*1and I

ind Scrabble on the gamę shekeTst    and * *"«“** drcodrr and a

:ames like Milton Bradley* Micronauts

i- me and Parker Brothers Close Milton Bradley makes the Star Bird frjicoun er*ot theThird KindGame. The Ship with laser attack beams and * tebject ot the Micronauts gamę i* to eleclmmc engine nowe todelight today s ^’'^aptuiv Baron Karza. who i* an ml ruder youngster* Tony* Shootout »n Space i '4nto the Micronauts world The Clone has a fulunstic gun whtch shoots a ? “ ł:ncounters gamę i* mod-Vd aft er the drstructiw light beam al enemy ih:os jnov»e o( the same na me. the objęci ot which revoive on a disk. The objec. Jt


c# t

the gamę being to board the Mother Ship

Sptnoffs from the “Sur War*" theme includr the Remco aystm 7. a 5«*vtr. way taskfnrce gunthat make* io> machinę guns ohsolele The task force gun fealures a parachuting messagr launcher. a tngger action Mat ton. a the toy ts to hit and disabłe the enemy rockets.

Aside from the space toy*. new advances have been madę tn toy race tracks Young racers will appreciate Aurora « ./X Slot less Race Track and Ideals Total Contr ot Kacing Slot less Track The two otfer lane chartymg ahiJity which wui add to the escitement ot Christ mas moning race*.

Therr are even r.ew lifelike dnlU like Mattel * Baby Heartbeat with a special Methoscope through which ansious mothers * can hear the babys heartbeat Baby That-away by Mattel, crawl* on ber own and even fusses until mommy takes care ot her

How weil are these new. improsed super toy* bemg accepted by kids’ “Were selling this stutff like crazy We can t get ennugh ot it." one hamed K Mart employee told an equally harned m ot ber who was trying to fiod out from her chiidr -n just what they wanted for Chnstma Apparently the Korce will alsobewith the children this Christm»«


CHICOPKF. Mass • AP !f «n>onr want* to steal whai is ctaimrd lo be " the world > bigłtrsl k*e o«va. ‘ he II ha\e lo overcume eiarmrate security to d«> it ’ he koral irwmber >d commerce ha? hi-ed an armoced iruch a..J assi^ied chamher members to 5 la od tuard ntght and day The ITopnund Pnlish drlicac) i* far the kiett>*>a fesh\al It »s 24 feet tang and form* a 12 foot horsecotlar o%al

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