Enterprises change the labour force if they find morę ąualified persons on the labour market, "For Austria this process can be recognized by the fact that a growing number of the labour force from the middle of the wagę and salary pyramid is affected by unemployment." (Pichelmann/Wagner, 1984b/ p.l95f.)
Nevertheless young people are morę affected by a restrictive personnel policy on the part of employers. Operational training training costs may be reduced as a result of raising the hiring standards. Corresponding training will not be offered om the job; rather it will be demanded that the employees bring along with them the necessary ąualifications and job experience. These higher criteria and the reąuired work experience are the barriers which handicap the entree into professional life.
The number of apprenticeships diminished in the years 1980 until 1983 from 197/000 to 175,000. The proportion of apprenticeships to the job market as a whole those sank from 7.1% to 6.6%.
Especlally the situation for girls on the apprenticeship market has rapidly become worse. Besides that it may be assumed that many young people who are in search of jobs are not quoted in the statistics. As they have no claims to unemployment Insurance payments there is no incentive to register as searching for a job. Estlmates for 1981 (Butschek 1982) resulted in morę than 7000 young people aged between 15 and 19 years out of work without being registered as unemployed by the labour exchanges.