7. Speclal Programme "Aktion 8000”
From 1981 to 1983 a development began to be recognized which was deflned as "segmentation of unemployment": opportunitles of unemployed to reenter employment have been increasingly uneąually distributed.
For certain groups of persons it takes longer and longer until they find new jobs. Youth with no-Professional experience have been harder and harder to find jobs for, *
The Labour Market Administration was therefore forced to develop employment prgrammes for both of these problem groups of the labour market, Thus, at the end of 1983, the MAct±on Programme to Create Additional Employment Opportunitles for Youth and Long-Time-Unemployed", better known as "Aktion 8000", was launched, Since the beginning of 1985/ due to difficulties of execution, only jobs with public and non-profit institutions may be subsidized,
The "Aktion 8000" is an employment programme which is ex-clusively concerned with the non-profit sector, Subsldles within the "Aktion 8000" are granted for the employment of
▼ youth (until the age of 25) which have been registered as unemployed for at least three months or are able to prove that they have been unemployed for at least three months;